Vaccine Lecture by JFK Jr at the Commonwealth Club of California

Categories: Autism | Vaccination

John F. Kennedy Jr. is one of our world experts on vaccine and thimerosal research and autism. He has been tirelessly trying to get this important research out to the public FOR YEARS! None of the media will let him do so, since they receive so much of their funding from pharmaceutical advertising and are therefore under the control of the vaccine manufacturers. Thankfully, the Commonwealth Club of California is not under their control and likes to bring in expert speakers on various topics for their members. I recently joined to support what they do and I recommend that you do so as well. There are many other good presentations on their web site which are available to the public. This is an exceptionally complete and thorough presentation on the facts that you and your doctor do not know about vaccines, thimerosal, autism, etc..

Listen Here:  (download as mp3)