Robert Kennedy Jr. Interviews

Categories: Vaccination

The attorney, Robert Kennedy Jr., is one of the famous Kennedy family and the head of the excellent organization Children’s Health Defense. He tirelessly fights for the rights of children and families to improve their health by teaching the well-researched but mostly misrepresented facts about vaccine science (and non-science). I have given him (his videos and interviews) their own area in my vaccine section. His 2-hour interview by Valuetainment is loaded with exceptional, important, and myth busting information. Because it is so long (but well worth watching) I have excerpted a few short segments where he covers a few different specific topics. Hopefully, when you at least watch those, it will get you interested in watching the entire interview. He and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny who I know well, are two of the most knowledgeable individuals on our planet in the actual research on vaccines that is being manipulated, ignored, and withheld from the public.


Vaccine Debate – Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz
July of 2020 The well-known and highly respected constitutional attorney Alan Dershowitz and the well-known attorney and vaccine  expert Robert Kennedy Jr. have a very interesting and important debate about vaccine safety and mandatory vaccines.  Everyone should watch this.