Vaccination – General Overview

Categories: Autism | Vaccination

This area of science (mostly non-science or nonsense) is populated predominantly by two diametrically opposing points of view.  One is that clearly, based on written and video records, we have more than tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of autistic children who were completely normal until they received one or another childhood vaccine.  Anyone who does not believe this has extremely poor or massively biased and closed minded investigative skills.

As usual, people with strong beliefs rarely do what is required in order to properly validate or invalidate their beliefs.   They steadfastly know what they know and are not interested in looking at any well documented facts from the other points of view.  This is very sad.   If this were true of all scientists, science would NEVER move forward.

If a person parrots the media and government officials, that the research clearly shows no connection between vaccines and Autism and that the only person who claimed there was a connection has been discredited, this person, although they may be extremely intelligent, is also extremely ignorant of the facts.

I have finally come to the point, actually I arrived here many years ago, that arguing never works in science.  Education is the only way to possibly get those who are somewhat open minded, to look at the right information, to find out that they have been sorely misled.

Because high intelligence (I know, as I am in both Mensa and Intertel) often comes with a huge amount of “know it all” arrogant ignorance, it can be extremely difficult and sometimes impossible to get someone to investigate the other side of a heated argument.   It is much easier to ask the experts on your side of the argument who will simply reinforce your current position, instead of finding and investigating what the other side’s experts believe and why they believe it.

Finally, and it took a long time, we now have THREE excellent movies documenting what has been going on.  If you already understand that no vaccines have EVER been proven either safe or effective in a legitimate double blind, long term (following the children for a few years to see the differences in their health) placebo controlled trial, then you can use this section of my web site to educate your less knowledgeable friends and family.  If you already know that not a single vaccine has been given the rigorous testing that every other prescription drug was required to go through, then you are in a tiny educated minority.  If you know that never in our history, has a large group of vaccinated children been compared to a similar group of unvaccinated children and followed for a couple of years and compared in every area of physical and emotional health, you are in the same tiny minority.

So here is a simply challenge for those of you reading these words but who think I am a dangerous fool to speak out against vaccinations.

Take 5 or 6 hours of your time to see if you just might be missing some important facts.  Watch the 3 movies VAXXED ,  Trace Amounts, and 50 Cents a Dose and then watch some of the many expert video presentations on my web site by various people who know both sides of the vaccine science and research very well.

Those 3 movies should open your eyes and hopefully peak your interest in learning more about how much you have been misled and how little you really know. When your mind opens, you may wish to read Neil Miller’s book Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies or Dr O’Shea’s book  Vaccination is Not Immunization- The War On Children which may be available here

50 Cents a Dose is currently available here

You should be able to get the VAXXED and Trace Amounts DVD’s more easily or maybe view them on line or check Netflix

If your new found knowledge prevents one single child from regressing into Autism or other developmental delay issues, getting lifelong asthma, or even a less severe but chronic lifelong disorder, your time spent learning the facts will have been well spent