The Vegetarian Myth

Lierre Keith, the author of an excellent book entitled The Vegetarian Myth, was kind enough to let me interview her. She talks about her book and what prompted her to stop being a vegetarian and a vegan and to instead expose all the lies surrounding this unhealthy manner of eating. She also talks about the need for planet sustainability and…

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Interview – the truth about the harmful effects of fruit/juice consumption, fructose, and more

The Truth about: Fruit consumption, Agave Nectar, vegetable juicing, and the Glycemic index, and the healthiest sweeteners–Sean Croxton interviews me on…

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Vitamin C facts lecture

Vitamin C facts, history and research, a fabulous, complete and up to date lecture by Dr. Suzanne Humphries Vitamin C…

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Genetically Modified Foods (GMO). Facts You NEED to know.

Genetically modified or genetically engineered foods are a health hazard and a sleeping time bomb. Like so many other things in our lives, we incorrectly believe that our government agencies are doing their jobs to protect our health and we are WRONG. The FDA does more to protect the industrial manufacturers than it does to protect the consumer and this…

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Cholesterol discussion by David Getoff Part 1 and Part 2

Cholesterol is a HUGE issue in the United States, but this is predominantly due to the money being made by physicians who are ignorantly prescribing Statin drugs with little science to back up their prescriptions! I have lectured on this issue numerous times and the last time I did so I made an important realization. I HAD NOT put a…

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Cholesterol (and Statin Drugs)

The faulty premise, that cholesterol is a damaging substance which needs to be regulated below 200 for human health, is in fact destroying human health, is in fact destroying human health. It is also greatly reducing memory function, causing some amnesia, dementia and Alzheimer’s like symptoms. It is doing nothing beneficial except for making billions of dollars for its manufacturers…

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The Science Behind Raw Milk

Many feel that milk must be pasteurized for health reasons. I drink 6-8 quarts of RAW WHOLE milk from Organic grass fed cows every week. I have for over a decade. This presentation is by an expert in the field and is worth hearing and learning from. Listen Here:  (download as mp3)

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