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Gluten, Gliadin and Wheat

An in depth discussion and explanation of what everyone (and I do mean everyone) needs to know. Learn how many of your symptoms and problems might possibly be caused or aggravated by these substances, regardless of what other medical professional may have told you to the contrary. Listen and learn. Knowledge is power. Listen Here:  (download as mp3)

Download PDF - Gluten Chart.pdf

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Are Registered Dieticians Nutritionists?

Physicians and the general public are led to believe that registered dieticians are a good and accurate source of information on diet and nutrition. In this MP3, which I originally recorded for the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, I discuss my reasons for NOT using this professional group if you are looking for factual information to improve your health. [embed_mp3 label=”” subtext=”…

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The Vegetarian Myth

Lierre Keith, the author of an excellent book entitled The Vegetarian Myth, was kind enough to let me interview her. She talks about her book and what prompted her to stop being a vegetarian and a vegan and to instead expose all the lies surrounding this unhealthy manner of eating. She also talks about the need for planet sustainability and…

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Interview – the truth about the harmful effects of fruit/juice consumption, fructose, and more

The Truth about: Fruit consumption, Agave Nectar, vegetable juicing, and the Glycemic index, and the healthiest sweeteners–Sean Croxton interviews me on…

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Genetically Modified Foods (GMO). Facts You NEED to know.

Genetically modified or genetically engineered foods are a health hazard and a sleeping time bomb. Like so many other things in our lives, we incorrectly believe that our government agencies are doing their jobs to protect our health and we are WRONG. The FDA does more to protect the industrial manufacturers than it does to protect the consumer and this…

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