What did our early more modern prehistoric humans really eat?

What early humans ate is being argued all over the web.  On blogs, on websites of vegetarians and vegans to try to support their own idea of a healthy diet and by numerous supposed “experts”.  The problem is that most either have zero science to back up their beliefs,  they make up whatever science they want, or they cling to…

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Health Quotes & More

The following pearls of wisdom, statements, and actual health quotes, will help you to better understand my beliefs and my views towards research and established nutritional, medical and dental “facts”. It is really too bad that neither the public, nor most physicians, have access to the actual clinical knowledge & experience of the top health practitioners. The knowledge of what…

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Artery Clogging Saturated Fats (Or Not)

Does the thought of a steak, bacon and eggs, or real milk make you cringe thinking you’re instantly clogging up your arteries? How many times have you seen physicians and nutritionists write “artery clogging saturated fats”? For the last 40 years the dietary instructions from governments and other authoritative bodies have told us to avoid all animal fats. Americans took…

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Lyme Disease & Co-infections

A friend of mine, Steve Tvedten, is a world renowned expert in IPM (Integrative Pest Management). He wrote the HUGE tome on pest control that you can get here for free. http://www.thebestcontrol.com/ Today, June 25th 2016, I received the information below in an email from Steve, about his new book on Lyme. I have NOT read the book (yet) so…

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Children´s Health

Although children are really just much younger adults, we need to understand certain facts if we are to help support their health and emotions instead of hurting them. Due to the October 2007 wildfires, I will not be able to begin working on this area until late 2014. Until I find the time to work on this area, please consider…

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Gluten, Gliadin and Wheat

An in depth discussion and explanation of what everyone (and I do mean everyone) needs to know. Learn how many of your symptoms and problems might possibly be caused or aggravated by these substances, regardless of what other medical professional may have told you to the contrary. Listen and learn. Knowledge is power. Listen Here:  (download as mp3)   Foods which contain…

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Are Registered Dieticians Nutritionists?

Physicians and the general public are led to believe that registered dieticians are a good and accurate source of information on diet and nutrition. In this MP3, which I originally recorded for the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, I discuss my reasons for NOT using this professional group if you are looking for factual information to improve your health. [embed_mp3 label=”” subtext=”…

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