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Osteoporosis Lecture by David Getoff

Osteoporosis Lecture (part 1)

Listen Here:  (download as mp3)

Osteoporosis Lecture (part 2)

Listen Here:  (download as mp3) Sadly physicians are never taught that osteoporosis is caused predominantly by multiple nutrient deficiencies. They drug the body with toxic chemicals which prevent the healthy elimination of old bone cells and so it appears denser on a scan, but it is not structurally any better and…

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Interview with Cindy Makela of California Coast Naturals Olive Oil

After I finished reading Extra Virginity which exposes all the crap going on in the Olive oil industry, (you should read it, it’s fascinating) I had the fortune of meeting a number of people in the Makela family who own California Coast Naturals, an excellent grower and producer of extra virgin olive oil and other olive products.  For many years…

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