Traditional Naturopathy Or Medical Naturopathy?

Naturopathy and Naturopathic medicine. What are they, how are they different from one another, what are the laws, how do I believe that they should be regulated, and why can’t we all just get along?

Although some of this was covered in the interview I did for the CHEK Institute’s CHEK report (Click here to view the report) it deserves some additional discussion of its own, hence this more thorough and complete article.

It is close to impossible to find any area of health or medicine (or most any other profession for that matter) in which all of the actual professionals agree on most topics or issues in their areas of expertise. This is especially true in medicine. I have numerous patients who have been astonished when three or four different “expert” rheumatologists , or oncologists or cardiologists have completely disagreed on their recommended treatment protocol! And physicians call themselves scientific. Hah. I have also had four patients in a 12 month period, who all lived in San Diego county, that were referred by their physicians, to “the best cardiologist in the state”, and yet no two were even referred to the same cardiologist!!!! Nonetheless, naturopathy is so divided and the public is so misinformed (what else is new) that the problem has become even worse than it is in many other occupations. My goal, with this article, is to greatly reduce this confusion. I fully understand (and accept) that due to the rather fierce and divided opinions on both side of these issues, that my article may possibly lead to even more arguments and get some “naturopaths” upset. Be that as it may, I write this from my heart, with my own objectivity, ethics and accuracy and as many facts as there are available to me.

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