The truth about fats- which are good, which are bad and what the science actually says, has been an elusive area of science for decades. Finally, a science writer and investigative journalist has done it! She has written the single most comprehensive book ever written covering the facts about lipid (fat) research. She has shown that the emperor has no clothes and that what most of our population has known about fats for the past 20+ years IS WRONG. Although I have been lecturing on this topic for about 20 years as well, she has succeeded in even teaching me quite a number of things I did not know. Especially about the particulars, that I only knew parts of. More importantly, Nina has backed everything up with irrefutably sound science. Listen, learn and send your friends and physicians to do the same. Then READ THE BOOK, It is user friendly and presents a fascinating story with historical accuracy.
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After David died, with permission from David’s wife, Linda, Joan Grinzi will be uploading information to his website that she found in his office and on his computer that might be helpful to people. Periodically, she will send out emails notifying people of this new material.
David Getoff was a board certified clinical nutritionist & traditional Naturopath who worked with diabetes, Autism, memory, cancer, EI, MCS, MS, ALS, heart disease, mercury, neurological issues and specialized in safe detoxification.
For David, the benefits of optimal health were well worth the effort.