Homeopathy – a misunderstood science

Homeopathy may possibly be the single most misused and misunderstood word in the entire field of holistic health. It is commonly (but incorrectly) used to mean holistic, alternative health, nutritionally related, the use of herbs, or to apply to vitamin and mineral supplements. Very often it is used to refer to those who treat illnesses with the use of diet changes and nutritional supplements. None of these uses of the word homeopathy or homeopath is even remotely correct, accurate, or appropriate. Homeopathy is a separate and distinct medical science and is not a part of the fields of allopathic medicine, nutrition, naturopathy, herbalism, aroma therapy or any other modality excepts its own. It is certainly possible for practitioners in these other fields to have studied homeopathy and even for some of them to have become practicing homeopaths but there is no other connection.

Best mail order companies for homeopathic books:
Minimum Price Books www.minimum.com
Homeopathic educational Services www.homeopathic.com

David Getoff, CCN, CTN, CNC, FAAIM is a traditional Naturopath, board certified clinical nutritionist and educator. He teaches classes and seminars and has a busy private practice in Deerhorn Valley in the foothills of south eastern San Diego county California.

An older version of this article was printed in the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation Journal in 2000. It has been lengthened and revised for The Original Internist Copyright 12/2004 and then again for inclusion on my own web page Copyright 7-2006
David J. Getoff www.naturopath4you.com

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