Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Dangers in a Modern World – Magda Havas

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This is an exceptional and thorough presentation by Professor Havas. Sadly, The people who videotaped this presentation did not have a separate camera on the power point screen, so you cannot see her slides, HOWEVER that does not detract much from how much important information she is presenting here. This is truly an excellent talk which should be viewed if you care about your future health and the health of your family and especially your children.. For those who don’t know me personally (as students or patients) I have never used a cordless phone in my home or business, all of my phones are high quality hardwired corded phones. I have never connected a Wi-Fi router or modem in my home or business, my electrician hardwired Ethernet connections to each room in which we use a computer. My 4 camera video security system is all hardwired. My cell phone is only turned on a few times each year when I am out of town lecturing or at a conference, and I need to call home or to call patients. My house is 100 feet from the next house so I have less effects from their wireless devices and I use full spectrum radiation shielded U.S. made fluorescent lighting in every room as well as Stetzer Electrosmog filters and large Shungite Spheres. I am almost 65 as I write this and I would like to have my memory remain as sharp as a tack till I die at over 100 with no cancer or neurological or auto-immune diseases.