Vaccination (57 results)
The word vaccination, has become a trigger for massive arguments. The vast majority of the public, and sadly even the medical profession, do not have a clue about what the actual research does and does not show regarding child and adult vaccination safety or efficacy.
Your physician was taught that vaccinations have eradicated many diseases but the research says otherwise. Indoor plumbing, hand washing and general improvements in sanitation did that. Your physician and the media, fed by the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry, our own government bureaucrats, and the Gates Foundation, have also been taught that vaccines have all been well researched and found to be both safe and effective. Sadly, this is also NOT true. You may wish to keep your head in the sand or you may, like me, wish to be amongst the under 1% of our population which discovers well researched facts years and even decades before your friends and the general public.
If you would rather be a truth seeker than either a sheep or an ostrich, watch a few of the presentations in this area of my website by some world experts in this field. You may very well become so interested and so angry that you watch more and more and then try (good luck) to inform your friends and family. I dare you to start your education by just watching two or three.
Every year or two, more and more of the very few truly good and independent investigative reporters decide to look further. As I write this update, a few months from the end of 2020, there are some new and exceptional movies and videos which expose the facts to those who watch them. The most important, as I write this, include three, that you should make the time, over the next months to watch.. They are- VAXXED ll, PLANDEMIC–INDOCTORNATION, and 1986 The Act. I suggest that you watch them in that order. You can thank me for opening your eyes after you watch one of these, but getting your ignorant friends to open their eyes will be far more difficult than you can imagine. They tenaciously hold onto their ignorance, knowing that their facts are real, and not being willing to investigate if the truth is actually elsewhere.
Here are some links in case they remain the same. I will put the INDOCTORNATION video here on my website. and
David recommends these entries first for this category
Autism Made in the U.S.A. Excerpts
Many people do not have time to watch some of the VERY important documentaries that I have on my web site or that I have recommended for you. To help you with this, I watch them all for you and help educate you with the information. In the case of vaccines, since the lies and misleading information on the web,…
Silent Epidemic Excerpts
Many people do not have time to watch some of the VERY important documentaries that I have on my web site or that I have recommended for you. To help you with this, I watch them all for you and help educate you with the information. In the case of vaccines, since the lies and misleading information on the web,…
Freedom to Dissent and the New Blacklist in America
This extremely important presentation documents the elimination of free speech in America and the disintegration of our Federal rights. The…
Public Conferences On Vaccination Science
The first two videos display an exceptional forum on vaccine science- including 10 expert panelists, five on each side of the vaccine issue, to discuss and debate what the actual non-manipulated science has shown. The experts on both sides were excited to be able to have this type of open forum to explain their reasons for their vaccine beliefs. Public…
Plandemic Part 3
Part 3:
Plandemic Part 2
Part 2:
Plandemic Part 1
Part 1:
Deadly Deception, Exposing the Dangers of Vaccines, a film by Gary Null
A good film on vaccine facts put together by Gary Null. This film gives you a good all-around education on…
Want to know the truth? Can you handle the truth? Are you willing to discover that a great deal of what you were taught IS WRONG? Will it bother you if you learn so many new and important facts that your previous friends start calling you a conspiracy nut? If you want the facts and not the media hype, you…
Vaccine Debate – Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz
July of 2020 The well-known and highly respected constitutional attorney Alan Dershowitz and the well-known attorney and vaccine expert Robert…
Robert Kennedy Jr. Interviews
The attorney, Robert Kennedy Jr., is one of the famous Kennedy family and the head of the excellent organization Children’s Health Defense. He tirelessly fights for the rights of children and families to improve their health by teaching the well-researched but mostly misrepresented facts about vaccine science (and non-science). I have given him (his videos and interviews) their own area…
Should we trust Bill Gates?
Dr. Tenpenny is finally attacking the vaccine issue from the best possible angle
There are many “sides” of this issue but the two most important sides are: 1. Anyone who thinks vaccines are not both safe and super beneficial to society is an idiot and an anti-vaxxer 2. Anyone who believes that vaccines have been well researched, are a boon to society and are perfectly safe and should be mandated for all children…