Cancer – Quest for the Cure

If you have or know someone who has cancer, you should watch these and have your friend or relative watch them. Too bad their oncologists don’t not know (or in some cases believe) the information being presented here. These first two are part of Ty Bollinger’s Summit on cancer. Many thanks to Ty Bollinger for the work he did to…

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Vitamin D is good for you

More and more anti-vitamin articles have been appearing in the main stream press. I am not sure why, but it almost feels like the pharmaceutical companies are getting scared that we may improve our health with better foods and nutritional supplements and need less of their drugs. Could that be prompting them to pay the media to put in articles…

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Vitamin C, a Fabulous Presentation of Facts

A number of years ago, I attended a medical conference where Dr. Thomas Levy, MD. PhD gave a very comprehensive lecture on the numerous benefits of, and research on, vitamin C. To date, this is still one of the best lectures on vitamin C that I have ever heard. I have broken it into two parts due to the size…

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