Julia Ross has done an excellent job under her very appropriately titled article. I have lectured on this topic numerous times, trying to explain to people that populations with higher fat intakes have less health problems of all types. Good fats include butter (especially from grass fed cows), Ghee, coconut and palm kernel oils, E.V. Olive oil, lard and the…
Heart, Fats, Cholesterol, and Statin Drugs (18 results)
One of the most misunderstood areas of medicine, nutrition and health concerns which fats and oils are the bad ones and which are the good ones. In Nina Teicholz’s book The Big Fat Surprise, she covers the facts better than I have ever seen done by anyone before. If you are not ready to take the time to read a large book, then the entries in this category will get you going in the right direction with less reading.
Low Fat Diet Myths & Cholesterol by Joel Kauffman
Joel M. Kauffman, PhD is a friend. We met by email and then by phone many years ago after I read his great book entitled Malignant Medical Myths I had some comments and questions and a few minor disagreements that I wished to discuss with him. We hit it off almost immediately and I sent him a gift of some…

The Cholesterol Delusion by Ernest N. Curtis M.D
Dr. Curtis does an exceptional job of dissecting and discussing the inaccurate information that the public and the medical profession has be given regarding cholesterol research as it compares to what the facts actually show.

Long Term Neuropathies Caused by Statin Drugs
Statin drugs seem able to continue to cause muscle damage, nerve damage and even death, long after their use has been discontinued. In fact Dr. Graveline attributed his long term health decline, which eventually led to his death, from this exact cause.

Dr. Ernest N. Curtis M.D
Dr. Curtis is an MD specialist in internal medicine and cardiology. He has looked at the cholesterol research and found it does not show what is claimed. This easy to understand 2014 article does a great job of dispelling some of the myths and exposing the nonsense and lies.

The Benefits of Cholesterol by Duane Graveline, MD
Duane Graveline, MD is one of the heroes of the Statin drugs are harmful and cholesterol is safe and important movement. He is a retired NASA flight surgeon and his www.SpaceDoc.net web site should be subscribed to by anyone interested in the truth about cholesterol and Statin drugs. Here is one of his numerous articles but you should really read…