A great deal more information will be added to this article in the future Energy based or energy related healing modalities, techniques and equipment include, but are definitely not limited to the following. – Healing Touch, Touch for Health, Quantum Touch, Reiki, Thought Field Therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, acupuncture, QXCI/SCIO, Computron, NES Health, Vega, Life, Rife machines, muscle testing, magnets,…
Cell phone & Wi-Fi Hazards (17 results)
These first videos are full length movies for those of you who have time to watch documentaries. They are excellent and I have watched them all. Otherwise, you may scroll further down and watch presentation by various scientists which are also excellent.
Movie 1 – Thank You for Calling
Movie 3 – Resonance: Beings of Frequency
I also highly recommend that you purchase and watch two others. Both Generation Zapped and Take Back Your Power We will never be able to reduce our risks until the public understands the damaging effects of this technology, and for those who want to know, my entire home is hardwired. I have no Wi-Fi or cordless phones, they are all direct wired (not wireless) I do not carry a cell phone (everyone around me will have one for emergencies). The one in my car’s glove compartment is turned off.
The health of our citizens is plummeting. New neurological conditions keep getting added to the list and rare ones keep becoming less and less rare. Diseases, including cancer and diabetes, which only afflicted the elderly are now even affecting our children. Although sugar consumption and lousy quality overly chemicalized foods are partly to blame, there is a newcomer on the block. This rapidly growing and very harmful assault on our health and the health of our children is mostly being ignored. This is due to both general ignorance and a massive lack of media coverage due to the wealthy industries who don’t want the research to get to the public. If you didn’t care about your health, you would not be on my web site. If you did not know how much factual research is being suppressed, you also would not be on my web site. If you want to reduce your risks, you need to learn this information. I have picked some of the best experts in the field and I am giving you what they have found in their research. NO, I do not have Wi-Fi in my home or office. I also do not have a cordless phone and when we are home we will not use a cell phone, only a corded landline. My cell phone sleeps all day in my car’s glove compartment.
Cordless Phones are Dangerous!
Radio Frequency RF Radiation from Cordless Phones The research is fairly clear that as harmful as cell phones are now…

Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Dangers in a Modern World – Magda Havas
This is an exceptional and thorough presentation by Professor Havas. Sadly, The people who videotaped this presentation did not have…

Cell phone dangers – Dr. Devra Davis
Dr. Devra Davis, PhD is a world expert in EMF’s and Cell phone dangers. Do you own a cell phone?…

Dirty Electricity
Although I have given you, with the authors permission, a PDF of this article, I recommend that you instead Click on this Link and go to the original article on the Health Impact News web site. When you access the article through their web site, you also gain access to all the many excellent videos which are linked within their…