Autism Lecture

I have been asked to do a video on treating Autism and Asperger’s. Since I have not had time to do so, and since it is an epidemic which needs more coverage and discussion, I did a two hour presentation to try to cover the most important issues. What are the causes. What are some of the treatments which work….

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Robert F Kennedy Jr’s article on Vaccines

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. investigates the government cover-up of a mercury/autism scandal. This article is one of the best I have found regarding some of the cover-ups that occur with regards to vaccination. Read and learn.

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Vaccination – General Overview

This area of science (mostly non-science or nonsense) is populated predominantly by two diametrically opposing points of view.  One is that clearly, based on written and video records, we have more than tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of autistic children who were completely normal until they received one or another childhood vaccine.  Anyone who does not believe this…

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