10 Myths You Need to Investigate

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This is David Getoff and this article is regarding our society’s HUGE abundance,– although it rarely gets recognized by those who exhibit it – of what could accurately be described as arrogant ignorance.

Much of it, but not all, could also go under the simple heading of a severe deficiency of common sense.

Let me explain.

Most people listening to this recording, unless your early education or your current memory are lacking, will have learned many of the following historical facts which by the way, are not in any chronological order.

  • Many ancient civilizations are thought to have believed the earth was flat or a large When Ferdinand Magellan first sailed around the earth (generally referred to as circumnavigating the globe) this was proven to be false
  • Doctor, Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis, in 1847 proved that if physicians would wash their hands before delivering babies, the incidence of DEATH due to Puerperal fever, which varied from 10-35% in various hospitals, could be decreased to below 1%, as otherwise they were carrying some as yet unknown disease causing agent from the corpses they had been working on, into the delivery

The following excerpt is from one of our current dictionaries: “Semmelweis’s observations conflicted with the established scientific and medical opinions of the time and his ideas were rejected by the medical community. Some doctors were offended at the suggestion that they should wash their hands and Semmelweis could offer no acceptable scientific explanation for his findings. Semmelweis’s practice earned widespread acceptance only years after his death”.
Semmelweis was committed to an asylum, where he died at age 47 after being beaten by the guards. Now of course, we know that the physicians’ unwashed hands were spreading what are now referred to as pathogenic or disease producing organisms such as bacteria.

  • It was universally believed that the Earth was the center of the entire universe, and that the sun, moon and planets all revolved around the earth. In the 16th century, work by Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler proved that this was not true.
  • Spontaneous generation was believed to be the reason that life could arise from nothing, such as the maggots which miraculously appear on aging dead meat. In 1859 Louis Pasteur scientifically proved this to be wrong.
  • Heavier than air vehicles cannot possibly fly since they are heavier than air. Only lighter than air vehicles such as hot air balloons and blimps filled with hydrogen and later with helium would be able to fly. Thanks to the Wright brothers and other forward thinkers and inventors, we now fly in vehicles, propeller driven or jet airplanes, weighing many tons more than the same volume of air. Once again, the scientists consensus beliefs were wrong

There are many more examples I could give, but those few should convey my point, which is this:

A tiny group of people, or often even just a single individual figured out or believed something which was absolutely and completely different or even against, what everyone else, including the appropriate current experts or scientist thought was true.

Over time however, it was eventually proven that all these people and experts, – and often many published books, were in fact WRONG and this one “foolish idiot” was actually correct.

So now I have a very important question and I am directing my question to physicians, scientists, and the general public.

My question is: Which group do you aspire to be a part of?

The large almost unanimous group who know they are right and that what you and they were originally taught, and what the majority currently believe, will always remain correct?

Or might you rather be a part of the small and sometimes even tiny group who challenge your beliefs with other information which challenges or even contradicts all currently held mainstream beliefs.

The problem is that in many cases, your occupation, the respect of your colleagues, your ability to publish if you are a scientist, your job and therefore your income and ability to feed your family, and of course your overall reputation, all hinge on your NOT falling into this fringe – which are challenging the mainstream’s accepted beliefs.

Personally, I aspire to learn, as soon as I possibly can, anytime that my beliefs and teachings have been shown to be WRONG – and to learn instead what the facts truly are. Without this desire, I will not be able to be the best person I can, and to be the best at what I do.

There is only one way to accomplish this lofty goal and I challenge my listeners to strive to accomplish this. It is a simple task that few professionals consider, and even fewer proceed to work towards.

Any time you hear something – which if it were true, would be very important for you to know and to change your existing beliefs – you must investigate it PROPERLY.

What is the proper way to do this investigation — of absurd beliefs that you completely disagree with?  It is quite simple.  First, and the internet or the web should help a bit with this, you need to locate as many credentialed experts as you can, who share this peculiar belief, which completely disagrees with mainstream current ideas of what is true.

DO NOT contact anyone who shares the mainstream belief. You are ONLY looking for experts with proper credentials such as MD, PhD, professor, etc, who for some as yet unknown reason actually believe this thing that you do not believe.

Now contact as many of them as you can and have them explain why they have changed their mind and no longer believe what most others still believe. After you have listened, with an open mind, to three or four of these experts, you can now make your own personal decision.

I will list a few examples of areas of knowledge, in which my beliefs, from extensive investigational research, have changed so that they are no longer in agreement with mainstreams beliefs…

You see it is completely impossible to be a forward thinker, and to join the very small group who work to learn facts that have been accepted differently for year or decades, unless you make this one fairly simply change in the way you investigate new concepts and information. If you wish to join this small elite outsiders group, even though membership will not make you very popular, you need to no longer ask your friends, colleagues or professors for their opinions when one of these controversial issues is being investigated. You now need to ask only the experts who are on the side of this new belief that you do not share, as I outlined a few minutes ago.

Okay, now you are ready to hear the areas of knowledge that I am currently listing which fall into this arena. I will add new ones as I think of them or come across them, or get emailed others that a reader thinks I should add to my list. They are not in any order so just choose one that would be important to you.

I will try to always put in a few experts names or books or videos for you to use in your search for the truth. Obviously the “mainstream” will  consider all these experts to be fools, but I think that mainstream “experts” need to look in the mirror when they are calling someone a fool.

Written below are some of the myths (or maybe we should call them lies?) which you need to investigate (unless you already know some of them are completely wrong and you are already in the minority but more knowledgeable group for that piece of knowledge).

1. Dental Fillings

Silver amalgam dental fillings are safe, and the 50-52% mercury that they contain, proven since the mid 1970’s to be releasing into your body 24 hours a day, is not and will not cause you any harm.


  • Mercury Undercover
  • Go to www.IAOMT.org and watch some of their 34 videos on mercury. Google “Norwegian dental nurses documentary” and see if you can still watch the movie for free on line

2. Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a harmful substance. Drugs such as statins should be used to keep your total cholesterol below 200 for improved Be careful not to let your total or LDL cholesterol get too high or your risk of heart disease goes way up. Eating chicken skin, beef fat, egg yolks, coconut oil and butter will cause heart disease due to their being saturated fats.



  • Cholesterol Clarity by Jimmy Moore
  • The Cholesterol Myths by Uffe Ravnskov MD, PhD
  • The Statin Damage Crisis by Duane Graveline MD
  • Lipitor Thief of Memory by Duane Graveline
  • The Great Cholesterol Myth
  • Search cholesterol books by Duane Graveline, Uffe Ravnskov, Joseph Mercola, Jimmy Moore, Sherry Rogers and other physicians and researchers who have examined this myth.

3. Vaccines

Adult and childhood vaccines have been properly researched and have been shown to be effective to do what they are claiming to do and have been proven safe and also have been proven not to cause developmental issues and autism in children


  • Dr. Sherry Tenpenny
  • Dr. Gary Null
  • Dr. Tim O’Shea
  • Dr. Vera Scheibner
  • Meryl Dorey
  • Dr. Andrew Wakefield
  • The National Vaccine Information Center


  • Vaccine Epidemic
  • Saying No To Vaccines by Sherri Tenpenny
  • Vaccination is Not Immunization By Tim O’Shea
  • Immunization the reality behind the myth by Wallene James
  • The Vaccine Safety Manual by Miller
  • Vaccination Roulette by Australian Vaccination Network
  • Callous Disregard by Andrew Wakefield

4. Fluoride

Fluoride added to municipal drinking water has been proven to reduce tooth decay and has not been shown to be harmful to the public in ways such as increased hip fractures, increased cancer, and various emotional, neurological, and developmental problems in children and


  • Fluoridegate
  • Many DVD’s covering fluoride issues at www.IAOMT.org including Let the Truth Be Told Volume’s 1 and  2 (and others)


  • Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson
  • The Case Against Fluoride by Paul Connett
  • Fluoride the Aging Factor by John Yiamouyiannis

5. September 11th

The events which occurred in New York City On September 11th, 2001, often referred to as the World Trade Center attacks of 9/11, have been thoroughly investigated and it was determined that the planes which hit the twin towers and which were orchestrated by Al- Qaeda extremists, is why the towers came down and that the office fires in building 7 is why that 3rd world trade center building came


  • www.AE911Truth.org
    The best non-fanatic information I have seen on this subject is from the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth and it on their website. I recommend you begin by viewing a copy of their documentary video entitled The Experts Speak as well as a few of their others. Watch these documentaries with some friends and have a discussion as to what you each think of the evidence the videos have presented.

6. GMO’s

GMO’s (Genetically modified foods) have been shown to be safe and only fanatics are terrified about how many of them are already in our food supply and the damage they are causing and may cause


  • Scientists Under Attack
  • Genetic Roulette (and the book of the same title) by Jeffrey Smith Movie
  • A Silent Forest
  • The World According to Monsanto
  • BT Cotton in Andhra Pradesh – A Three Year Fraud
  • A Disaster in Search of Success – BT Cotton in Global South


  • Seeds of Deception by Smith

7. EMFs

EMF’s EMR electromagnetic frequencies and radiation from cell phones, cordless phones, WiFi, Smart Meters, and more have all been proven to be safe and the millions of people who believe otherwise are demented, psychiatrically ill, or conspiracy


  • Cell phones by Dr. George Carlo
  • Zapped by Anne Louise Gittleman
  • The Invisible Disease by Nordstrom
  • Silent Fields by Fisher
  • Dirty Electricity by Fisher


8. The US is Still a Free Country

The United States is still a free country where you have freedom of speech, the right of privacy and due process under the law if you are accused of something by a government official and will have your time in court and a jury of your peers. And also that capitalism is working as a healthy way to have a good government with a true democratic process.
If you believe that this is still true, I highly recommend that you read the books (or buy the audio books) below.


  1. The End of America, Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot by Naomi Wolfe
    Also watch her YouTube video.
  2. The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein
    You may be surprised at how many important things about our country you don’t realize have been and are happening. We cannot try to change for the better, that which we don’t know about.


  1. Hacking Democracy

9. Ozone

Ozone is a harmful gaseous pollutant. It should never be breathed in any concentration and it should absolutely never be introduced in any manner into the human bloodstream. Anyone who uses ozone generators to supposedly clean the air in their home is a fool and is harming their lungs and their skin. Anyone who uses medical ozone treatments for dental or whole body protocols is even more foolish.



10. Guns

Gun ownership by the public is a bad thing, and it increases mass murder and senseless killings in schools and other public places. Making it more difficult for honest citizens to purchase firearms has been shown to reduce violent crime and these horrendous and awful mass murder events. The statistics we are given by the media and government officials in this regard are accurate and undistorted.


  • More Guns Less Crime by John R. Lott



If you would like to do some more investigations into how we have been and are continuing to be misled by mainstream “science”, here are a few very interesting books. They are all also available in unabridged versions, from Audible.com if, like me, you enjoy listening as you drive (or while you exercise). You may be, as I was, very surprised at just how much of what we are fed as the truth, is actually far from it. I knew this was true in my field of nutrition and holistic medicine, but I was not prepared for how many other fields of “science” have been bastardized in the same way. If you read (or listen to) some of these books, please let me know what you think. Good reading, here are the titles:

  • Sex At Dawn by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jethá.
    Although this book is directed to the prehistoric origins of human sexuality, it has a great deal more information and research as well.
  • The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein
    This explodes the myth that the global free market triumphed democratically. Exposing the thinking, the money trail and the puppet strings behind the world-changing crises and wars of the last four decades.
  • Forbidden Archeology by Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson
  • Our Occulted History by Jim Marrs
    Both of the above books clearly outline scientific research which has been and is being buried by current scientists and governmental agencies so as to keep our beliefs about our history, where they want them to be.
  • Who Discovered America by Gavin Menzies
    So, you think that Christopher Columbus discovered America? You may be surprised by what the facts actually show.
  • A People’s History of the United States: 1492 to Present by Howard Zinn
    What kinds of completely unethical, disgusting, power grabbing, gross, sadistic (and many other even worse descriptive words) were perpetrated on the many native populations of what is now the United States. When we look at our current state of equal rights for women, blacks, Indians, etc. in U.S. Society, it is helpful to compare it to our disgusting historical treatment of any population that was not “in Power”. I feel that books like this and the ones above, should be required reading by our school children prior to college. Of course this can never happen since the powers that be do not wish this information to become general knowledge.
  • Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin
    This is another book, that I read many decades ago in my late teens or early 20’s and which I also feel should be required reading by our school children.