Systemic enzymes, specifically Vitalzym (and for health practitioners the newer softgel, Vitalzym X) are fascinating products. I have been using systemic with my patients for close to 15 years. Until I found Vitalzym by World Nutrition, I did not understand what all the raves were about, since none of the products, even the original made in Germany, produced ANYWHERE NEAR as much benefit as was being claimed in everyone’s marketing hype. Vitalzym changed my opinion of systemic enzymes and skyrocketed my use of these products. Almost every patient now gets put on Vitalzym at either their 2nd or 3rd visit. Most often, I then have people take 3 capsules twice a day for a year. I need to wait till their 2nd or 3rd (and sometimes later) visit, since I must do some effective liver and kidney support first, in order to prevent a possible reaction as the Vitalzym breaks down old diseased tissue which the body must eliminate. Several dozen companies have now come out with new systemic enzyme products hoping to get some of Vitalzym’s business. Even the gentleman who made this recording, has now come out with his own formulation. The original Vitalzym, and occasionally (but not often) their stronger Vitalzym X softgel, continues to majorly outperform every other product regardless of these other companies claims to the contrary. Listen and learn.
Listen Here: (download as mp3)Vitalzym systemic enzymes, Bill Wong’s recording
Categories: Lectures & Audio Recordings | Vitamins & Nutrition