Lierre Keith, the author of an excellent book entitled The Vegetarian Myth, was kind enough to let me interview her. She talks about her book and what prompted her to stop being a vegetarian and a vegan and to instead expose all the lies surrounding this unhealthy manner of eating. She also talks about the need for planet sustainability and how vegetarianism and agriculture, quite opposite to what is believed, are actually destroying everything that we hold dear. Listen and learn, then read her book for a great deal more information.
It is available from the Price-Pottenger Foundation at
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After David died, with permission from David’s wife, Linda, Joan Grinzi will be uploading information to his website that she found in his office and on his computer that might be helpful to people. Periodically, she will send out emails notifying people of this new material.
David Getoff was a board certified clinical nutritionist & traditional Naturopath who worked with diabetes, Autism, memory, cancer, EI, MCS, MS, ALS, heart disease, mercury, neurological issues and specialized in safe detoxification.
For David, the benefits of optimal health were well worth the effort.