Another Excellent China Study Rebuttal

Many years have passed since T. Colin Campbell wrote his book (not a research paper or a study) entitled The China Study

In my lectures and classes I still have people saying “but what about the China Study”.?   Very few understand that it is a book and not a study.  That the facts he discovered during his research, in many ways actually contradicted what he decided to write in his rather unscientific book.  Nonetheless, his myth persists.  It persists so forcefully, that I decided in 2017, to put this second rebuttal article up on my site.  This rather long but exceptional article by Denise Minger examines and exposes even more fallacies and misleading information than the other rebuttal I have here for you to read.  What made me add this second article, was reading a fantastic book by the same author entitled Death by Food Pyramid.  I bought the audio book from Audible, as most of my free time is when I am driving.  One of the best things I have done to help further accelerate my level of knowledge a few years ago, was to pay my friends at Streetnoyz Audio in San Diego, to replace the radio in my 1995 Mitsubishi EXPO which currently has  295,599 miles (May 15th 2017) with a new Kenwood model that has 2 USB ports.  I keep an audio book in one and a second thumb drive with a few hundred of my favorite old folk songs in the other. Now, when someone asks you about the China “Study” just send them to these two articles on my web site.

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Click here for the original China Study Rebuttal