Public Conferences On Vaccination Science

Categories: Vaccination

The first two videos display an exceptional forum on vaccine science- including 10 expert panelists, five on each side of the vaccine issue, to discuss and debate what the actual non-manipulated science has shown. The experts on both sides were excited to be able to have this type of open forum to explain their reasons for their vaccine beliefs.

Public conferences on vaccination science (part 1)

Public conferences on vaccination science (part 2)

Some background on these vaccine science presentations: The organization One Conversation (.org) put together an exceptional forum on vaccine science. They had 10 expert panelists, five on each side of the vaccine issue, to discuss and debate what the actual non-manipulated science has shown.

The experts on both sides were excited to be able to have this type of open forum to explain their reasons for their vaccine beliefs.

The forum was scheduled, but not very well advertised since pro-vaccine money has a huge ability to control the media and they do not want the other side to be heard.. Nevertheless, the forum, was scheduled and expected to be very well received by those who want to know the truth.

As the scheduled date got closer, the bigwigs in Big Pharma and the Universities both of whom receive many millions of dollars in donations every year from the pharmaceutical industry, got wind of the event. Every one of the five experts on the pro-vaccine side of the issue, was pressured by their various employers that they MUST NOT attend or they would face massive retribution. Probably some were told they would lose their jobs, positions, status, or research funding. Since we have no recordings or copies of phone calls, emails, or other communications that these respected physicians and scientists received, we will never know what each one had held over their heads to get them all to pull out of what they had been looking forward to participating in.

To the credit of One Conversation, they decided that the event must still be held and it was professionally video taped. After I watched the entire two parts of the forum, I realized that it, along with the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Vaccine press conference, which is also on my web site, may be the two most informative and important discussions on vaccine research so far in the 21st century.

I noticed that there were some long pauses at the beginning of each live segment as well as some of the panelists who did not hold their microphones close enough to be easily heard and so, since I have the equipment to do all my own video editing, I eliminated the beginnings where only a blank screen was being shown with no audio before part one or part 2 began, and I normalized the entire audio so all speakers could be more easily heard. This makes my copy of this forum the best to watch of the couple that have been put up on the web after the forum was completed.

I hope you learn some facts that you did not know before, I did.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Press Conference – The Science of Vaccines Forum

Important power point slides to go along with the video: View Slides

A very important press conference was called to have experts debate the issues of the safety or dangers of vaccination. All of the “experts” from the vaccine manufacturers did not show up for the debate!!! I don’t wonder why. This is an exceptional presentation as are the Power Point slides on the PDF I have also given you.