Philosophies & Sayings

Listen to my history and general beliefs and philosophies

Listen Here:  (download as mp3) There are many aspects to my philosophy of health. The first is that you understand that very few drugs were ever designed to cure an illness. The purpose of a drug is generally to alleviate (suppress or make go away) a bothersome symptom. Since the drug does this…

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Toward Optimal Health

The information contained on this page is intended to give you an idea of what I do and what you may have to do. Getting healthier will require some effort from both of us, but you get to do most of the work. Your relationship with good health is like any other relationship. It takes a concerted effort, and a…

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General Tips For Improving Your Health

How many times a year do you tell yourself, “Starting Monday, I’m going to eat better and exercise”? How often does a headache, a cold, or fatigue remind you that you really could be healthier? When you run out of Aspirin or Tylenol, do you ever think about how nice it might be not to have needed any in the…

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