
David Getoff died October 30th of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a very aggressive form of leukemia, at 70 years young. All who knew David are shocked and devastated that this man, who lived his life to improve the health of so many people, could leave this world at such a young age.

David grew up in Manhattan and lived in New York City until moving to San Diego in 1979. He held an impressive array of diverse professions until settling into his true passion as a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist and traditional naturopath in the late 1980s. Since then, he has lived, breathed, studied, and has been totally consumed by his relentless commitment to teach the world about nutrition and natural medicine as well as bringing people back to health through diet and naturopathic methods. To David, a day without learning is a day wasted.

David’s death leaves a huge vacuum for the legions of people who depended on his wise advice for any and all health issues. Undoubtedly, wherever he now resides, he is teaching and counseling those around him on how to healthfully continue their chosen journey–and he surely is handing out his infamous bumper sticker, WWDS (What Would David Say).

David leaves behind his devastated wife, Linda, brother Michael, sisters Sarah and Maria, best friend David, and a very very sad cat, Tomkha.
