Nutrition Education Videos (single topic videos)

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" order_by="sortorder" order_direction="ASC" returns="included" maximum_entity_count="500"]Some important information relating to improving your health by learning from the instruction I give in my videos.  The truth CAN make a difference.

For those of you

  1. Who want a natural pill to make you well – I cannot help you
  2. Who are simply looking for a natural pill to replace your drug pill – I cannot help you
  3. Who understand that in order to gain or attain and then maintain improved and possibly even optimal health you need to work for it – I can most probably help you a great deal.

If you understand

  1. That missing nutrients must be repleted for improved health
  2. That food which has been “preserved” cannot digest and assimilate adequately
  3. That foods grown on depleted soils cannot support long term health
  4. Artificial chemicals cannot promote and probably greatly degrade our health
  5. That the poisons in our bodies need to be reduced to gain long term health
  6. That these poisons include the chemicals which we use and are exposed to daily
  7. That correcting all of the above will not be free, easy or rapid

THEN YOU UNDERSTAND that my videos can greatly aid your quest for improved health and I welcome you as one of my new students of learning.

People believe that it is the physician’s job to get them well, even though this is most often impossible. Few even know that in olden days, in traditional Chinese culture, the physician was only paid while the person remained healthy, for if they became ill, it meant that the physician had not done his job correctly. So here we are in the 21st century. The U.S. spends inordinately more money per person on health care (disease care since health does not require care) than any other country and yet the last World Health Organization listing had us in 37th place. Very sad indeed and a great indication that we continue to suppress symptoms rather than causes and rarely if ever improve anyone’s health.

My entire goal in these educational videos was to give the viewer the tools, if they should decide to use any of them, to work on improving their health and the health of their family.


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