One of the biggest areas of what I refer to as “scientific myths” – that continually rears its ugly head, is the idea (since it is neither fact nor properly done scientific research) which incorrectly claims two things.
First, that there is no link between childhood vaccines and autism and second, that this has been clearly proven, and that doing more research in this area is a waste of money, and that anyone who believes otherwise is an ignorant fool.
The second part is simply ridiculous, since no scientist worth a damn, in any field of science, would ever say that something is final and should no longer be researched. Whenever you hear this statement about anything, you should immediately know that there is something wrong. You are very likely being lied to or at least massively misled.
Far too many times in our past and current history of scientific research, we have found that all previous beliefs and research were wrong. Sometimes we simply missed some important facts. Sometimes an important variable was not controlled for in the published research studies. Sometimes the organization funding the research wanted a specific result and designed the study to get these incorrect results, regardless of the facts. Sometimes major fraud was involved but took decades to be exposed. This is exactly what happened with cigarettes and lung cancer and the tobacco industry.
A movie satire on the tobacco industry, Thank You For Smoking, is a fun look into this industry and Tobacco Under Fire is a 45 minute exposé on my web site, butThe Insider, a 1999 award winning documentary on the tobacco industry, is an in depth look at how tremendously strong big tobaccois and how they used their power and influence to get what they wanted, regardless of the facts or the laws. See if you can find the full movie online or buy the DVD from Amazon and watch it, then lend it to friends..
The industries which do this, and wield this kind of power, also include the pharmaceutical industry, the pesticide industry like Monsanto and Bayer in the ways they cover up the hazards and facts about pesticides and herbicides (like Roundup®). The dental industry in the ways they cover up the facts about silver “amalgam” mercury fillings and fluoride. The medical industry in the ways they cover up the truth about the hazards of Statin drugs and the health benefits of cholesterol, as well as facts surrounding psychiatric medications and the hazards of fluoroquinolone antibiotics like Cipro® and Levaquin®, and many other fields of “science” as well. Even the food industry, in the many ways they have covered up the hazards of sugar, chemical food additives, MSG, and the drugs and rBST hormones in our milk and dairy products. If you want to learn a bit about this last one, go to the Exposing Corruption section of my web site and watch the Fox News Kills Monsanto Story documentary.
To get back to today’s blog topic, vaccines and vaccination, my anger gets repeatedly triggeredby how much the industry spends on misleading us, so as to continue to make billions of dollars on a failed attempt at promoting health while making us believe things about vaccines that are simply NOT TRUE.
In this country, we are supposed to have both informed consent and the ability to refuse any type of medical treatment. The fact that two different types of drugs (medical treatments) vaccination and water fluoridation are given with or without consent and in many states cannot be opted out of, is about as un-American as it could get.
There is a massive amount of money being funneled into making certain that physicians, the media, and the public believe that vaccinations are safe, effective, and in the best interest of our population. The fact that this is a mandatory medication in most states, gets conveniently forgotten. The fact that only prisoners, patients in a locked psychiatric ward, and current military personnel, do not have the legal right to refuse any type of medication they don’t want, has also somehow been forgotten and is not being legally upheld. So let us take a closer look at the science.
The best book on vaccine research is currently Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies by Neil Miller. One of the best articles I read recently, was written by one of my favorite truth crusaders Dr. Jonathan Wright and he gave me permission to add it into my vaccine area. They even set up a special subscription discount for my readers who want to get his Green Medicine newsletter. Some other really good books include Dr. Tim O’Shea’s Vaccination is Not Immunization, Dr. Suzanne Humphries Dissolving illusions, and Kent Heckenlively’s Inoculated. There are many excellent video presentations on my web site in the vaccine area.
In the past couple of months, I have seen television episodes of legal shows, hospital shows, medical shows, police shows, ambulance shows and others, where they weave an unvaccinated child into their story line. This is done to continue to publicly degrade and put down the ignorant parents and show how stupid they are to not vaccinate their children.To bad the viewer rarely knows that the real truth is elsewhere.
It really infuriates me that the vaccine industry (pharmaceutical industry) has the power to influence these shows to do these episodes. It is like using the airwaves to help brainwash the public into believing a fairy tale. I would dearly love to see some episode where the actors represent a few of the real live experts and tell the public the truth. That will never happen and so those real experts, many of whom I have mentioned earlier, as well as the minority of properly educated health professional including yours truly, will have to keep plodding away at getting the facts out to the public. I simply want people to understand how little your doctors actually know about vaccine research and science, other than the lies they were taught in medical school.
Go to the vaccine section of my web site, pick videos by three different presenters and listen to what they have to say. Be one of the under 1% of our population that investigates BOTH SIDES thoroughly and you will be very surprised at what you learn.