Great Mentors Are Hard To Find

Categories: Interesting Topics

The more I work with patients and students to improve their knowledge and their health, the more thanks I feel to those mentors whose knowledge and experience and shoulders I stand on.  One of those mentors is the famous Jonathan V. Wright, MD.  One of the first books I read about using nutrition to treat health conditions was Dr. Wright’s Book of Nutritional Therapy which was published in 1979 which is when I first read my original hardcover copy.  I devoured the knowledge in that book and was amazed to learn how much was known and proven about diet, supplements and health.  During my earlier adult life, while I was gobbling up and absorbing Dr. Wrights information as well as reading Let’s Live and Prevention magazine, I had no idea that I would eventually join him in in an occupation of helping improve the health of the public and dispelling thousands of medical myths which still permeate society and medical school teachings.

I have a thirst for knowledge and I try to be one of the best at whatever occupation I have been involved in. During my life, I have had numerous occupations and have always worked to be at the top of each.  About 25+ years ago, after having studied nutrition since the early 70’s for fun, I decided to change occupations.  I had already been answering questions for friends who knew I voraciously read about nutrition and health, but it was time to put this knowledge to professional use.  In addition to putting in a great deal of time and study to begin obtaining credentials in this field, I looked for the best experts in the world to learn from.  Thankfully, Jonathan Wright and his good friend Alan Gaby (both practicing MD’s) had decided to put on professional seminars every few years entitled Nutritional Therapy in Medical Practice.  It took about 3 years for them to learn enough new information to re-present the seminar, and so I took it every three years for 9 years and became friends with Jonathan and Alan.  These are both fantastic and extremely knowledgeable physicians and they will forever have my thanks for all they have taught me both at the seminar, at lectures at scientific conferences, and on the phone if I happen to need to call one of them with a question.

I remember at one of these 4 day seminars, when Jonathan announced that he was going to begin to publish a monthly newsletter.  Probably every attendee subscribed immediately.  His current newsletter, Green Medicine, is a monthly publication, available in print and digital formats, that provides subscribers with the very best and latest research and advice from one of the pioneers of natural medical protocols, Jonathan V. Wright M.D.  For anyone interested in treating disease using natural modalities or those looking to maintain health using a diet-based approach, Green Medicine Newsletter will give you the information you need to take control of your health naturally. Visit or call 1-800-528-0559 to subscribe.

This video was done by Dr. Wright to promote the Green Medicine Newsletter.  Please watch it and take to heart what he is saying as many simply do not understand these facts.

Over the years, I have now had many of my own students who have decided to enter the “profession”.  Some have become physicians, some acupuncturists, some naturopaths and some nutritionists.  I glow every time I receive a letter or email thanking me for pushing them in this direction.  Quite a few have thanked me by saying that the knowledge they gained in my classes or seminars, or as my patients, has allowed them to not be swayed by many of the non-facts that are still being taught in the programs and schools they attended.  They already knew more about many nutrients and food facts than the schools they went to, to get their degrees or credentials.  It is important to understand that you can learn helpful information from those who are also wrong in other areas.   Never stop learning and NEVER, under any circumstances, develop the arrogant ignorance that makes you believe that you cannot be wrong.  I feel blessed that my early mentors, such as Dr’s Wright and Gaby, have been so knowledgeable that over time, I have had to change very little about my beliefs and facts.  Being the Vice President for over a decade of the original 60+ year old California based Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation has also helped this knowledge.  Since Dr. Price studied traditional populations which had been eating the same foods for centuries (making it multi-generational research) the less than one generation studies currently pushing us all in the wrong directions pale in comparison.  Two of the best books currently in print are The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholz and Misguided Medicine by Colin E. Champ. MD