General Tips For Improving Your Health

How many times a year do you tell yourself, “Starting Monday, I’m going to eat better and exercise”?

How often does a headache, a cold, or fatigue remind you that you really could be healthier?

When you run out of Aspirin or Tylenol, do you ever think about how nice it might be not to have needed any in the first place?

Do you, or any of your friends or relatives, have cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, thyroid problems, etc.?

Would you like to try to prevent these illnesses or help your body to strengthen itself if you are currently ill?

Are you presently suffering from the side effects of any medications? Would you like to try healing your body so that your doctor might be able to reduce these medications or possibly eliminate them entirely?

Have you ever wondered why many doctors will give you a drug to suppress your symptoms rather than looking for and eliminating the cause of these symptoms?

Maybe it is time to look into health instead of disease.

Maybe you should try prevention instead of treatment. Just possibly, now is the best time to begin working toward a longer and healthier life. Sooner is better than later.

Let me help you to find the answers. Nothing makes me feel better than to watch my clients get healthier and happier as we work towards this new goal together.

The amount of conflicting health information is staggering. Every day, another study contradicts what you were told last week. Is there really an answer? Can anyone truly know who is right and who is wrong?

I have been studying nutrition and preventive health for over twenty-five years.

The one thing that I have found to be most important is to always keep an open mind. Just because a therapy is unfamiliar or different, does not mean it cannot work. If anyone ever tells you that a particular type of “alternative” health practitioner or therapy is ineffective, or a waste of time, ask some more questions. How long have they studied this alternative method, and on how many of their clients or patients did it not work? The usual answer is that they have not studied it at all and have never even considered using it with anyone. Remember, if all people refused to try out new or innovative ideas, we would have no airplanes, no cars, no theory of relativity; surgeons would not wash their hands before operating; and we would all think that the earth is flat. Change and discovery can only come from those individuals who keep an open mind.

The following are just a few examples of how nutritional, and other non-drug, non-invasive methods may help your body heal itself.

In this way, we can address the cause of your problem, rather than treating a symptom (which I will not do). Allowing your body to heal itself is always preferable. The only side effects are better general health.

For arthritis, most doctors will prescribe either cortisone or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). The purpose of most drugs is the suppression of undesirable symptoms. Only our bodies have the power to heal. To help the body heal itself, you would need to reduce its level of toxins and normalize the immune system. This can be done with the help of nutrition, homeopathy, and specific supplements. One of these supplements has been extensively studied and shown to have better long-term results than the “NSAIDS” but without any of the side effects.

High blood pressure and diabetes, in over-weight individuals, can often be normalized either with drugs, or by proper nutrition, diet changes, and weight loss. Which do you think would be preferable?

Angina pain and severe arteriosclerosis may prompt your cardiologist to recommend bypass surgery or balloon angioplasty. Studies have shown that you can reverse the course of this condition very rapidly with the correct dietary changes and certain nutritional supplements. Don’t you feel it might be worth investigating something that could completely eliminate the need for dangerous and extremely expensive surgical procedures?

In order to improve your health, the most important things appear to be:

  1. Eating healthier foods
  2. Reducing poison exposures in your life
  3. Adding in appropriate nutritional supplements
  4. Doing some form of beneficial exercise 3 days a week
  5. Doing something you love to do on a regular basis
  6. Striving to be in a job you love if you are working
  7. Being in a relationship you love if you are in a relationship

To help you with number 2, I will give a list of some of the better products in many categories.

Roll ons— Herbal Magic Roll ons by Home Health Products
Stick type —Deodorants by Herbalix Restoratives

Tooth Pastes:
Perioscript by Bio=Pro Dental
Xyliwhite by NOW Foods

Air Fresheners:
Any of the citrus products like Air Therapy, which only contain essential oils, or Fresh Wave products from OMNI Industries

Shampoo and Conditioner
Soignee Brand Shampoo and Conditioner (contains soy and wheat)
Alaffia Brand Coffee and Shea Shampoo & Conditioner (no soy or wheat)
Carina Organics Brand Shampoos and Conditioners (get the ones with no color added) (soy and wheat free)

Soaps (hand, face and body):
Zeetoon Olive Oil Bar Soaps
Dr. Bronners Liquid or bar soaps
Ultra Safe Solution liquids Or
Safe Solutions Enzyme Cleaners (Tweetmint) Their lice product is the best and completely non-toxic. Don’t use the prescription one or the pharmacy one if you care about the health of your children
Wunderley Olive oil bar or liquid soaps

Laundry Detergent for the washing machine:
Soap nuts Laundry liquid it is called Organic Laundry Detergent but it is made from Soap Nuts which, since they are not really nuts, are safe for the most sensitive people, and unlike other non-toxic laundry detergents, this one works

Body (and face) lotions: Or Sunstar Organics Pure and Natural MSM Lotion

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