Counterfeit Products on Amazon and EBay?

Categories: Published Articles

I had a meeting with a former FDA investigator who has turned his interest (for which I am very thankful) to educating the public in the field of health and nutrition. When he told me about the research he had done for this article, I had to read it and put it on my site to help educate more people. I never worry about these counterfeits in my own practice since I buy my products directly from the trusted manufacturers themselves. I prefer this method for purity and quality protection. I also often get fresher product than if I were to buy it from a licensed distributor. Thank you Gary for this article, as the information is important and it is well researched and well written! Please note, I HAVE NOT read his book and have not investigated any of the products he sells on his web site so I AM NOT endorsing them in any way, however since I have put up his article on my site and he seems like a very ethical and honest man, I feel I should give you a link to his site if you wish to take a look .

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