I was thinking about doing a blog on the corona virus, but then I realized that I should instead put this important information on my web site in a new area on the corona virus, which I have now done.
I will add a few additional important things here, and after you read this, you need to go to the new corona virus area of my web site and read and watch EVERYTHING in that area as well.
1) The common cold is a corona virus
2) All of medicine knows that the common cold, a corona virus, mutates so rapidly that we cannot develop a resistance or a vaccine to any virus that mutates all the time
3) Because the “common cold” is universally known as a viral infection that many people get one or more times each year, and because we all know that it is quite contagious, it is not uncommon for me to be told by people that someone in their family caught a cold and passed it around the entire family over the following weeks. This happens millions of times a year around the world and HAS NEVER made people go nuts like they are doing now.
4) Since it mutates, and we don’t develop a resistance to the newly mutated virus, we can get it more than once.
5) Most important of all: The common cold is so common in our population, that its incidence rate never gets reported in the media. Even if it did, the reports, just like the corona virus Covid-19 reports, would be tremendously inaccurate. Why? Because with both the common cold and the corona virus the VAST MAJORITY do not get reported and recorded by health authorities! If someone gets a cold and gets over it a week later, only the most neurotic individuals dash out to their doctors or an emergency room. If they are immune compromised, with breathing or lung conditions or due to being on prescription immune depressing drugs like steroids, that is different, but most are not. The medical profession DOES NOT EVEN WANT everyone with a cold to see a doctor, or the doctors would be so overrun that they could not handle those who really need their help. In addition, antibiotics do not work against viral infections and in fact depress immune function by killing our good gut bacteria which are a major part of our immune system. Research shows they are 50% or more of our immunity, and killing them with antibiotics destroys our body’s ability to do the fighting we should be supporting, not destroying.
6) Based on the above, probably less than one percent, possibly WAAAAY less, of people who get the common cold, ever see a doctor for it. Even if they do, the cold is not a reportable condition and so the physician never reports any of these incidents to the CDC or any other agency.
7) The reason everyone is going nuts over this new (or not) virus is because of the media coverage. If we blew the common cold out of proportion, we would get this same result. Scary.
8) So listen to my video on my web page or my YouTube channel and take that information to heart. Stop eating your standard immune depressing diet. Take some vitamin A every day and vitamin C 3 to 5 times a day. Get your D level tested as I have mentioned a number of times and raise your level to the healthy target level promoted by the vitamin D research scientists. I have had all my patients doing these things for close to 30 years.
9) Stress is also immune depressing and so your fear and anxiety are not helpful.
Now go and read and watch the information in my new corona virus area