I thought I should give my viewers at least one additional climate change/global warming video. PLEASE NOTE I care very much about this planet of ours and so my own feeling are that REGARDLESS of the actual facts on this issue; We should all take far better care of our planet. Fracking should be outlawed and if you have not seen either Gasland or its sequel Gasland II then you need to. For us to try to conserve water while we allow fracking is simply an idiotic idea. We NEVER should have allowed the auto makers to force our government to eliminate or postpone all the increased MPG fuel efficiency standards that had been put in place many years ago. Many car models already exist to prove they are very attainable even without hybrids! GMO’s must be labeled as they are in many countries. Organic agriculture has been proven to product more and better produce and commercial agriculture is destroying our planet as well. We should pollute less by mandating higher mileage cars and by requiring industry to pollute less even if this reduces their huge profits.
Climategate: What They Aren’t Telling You!