Classes, Seminars, etc

Attaining Optimal Health (30 hour course)

This 30 hour Attaining Optimal Health course will soon be available for free on Rumble.


My 30 hour course has often been referred to by the people who have taken it one or more times, as the most important course of their life and it contains information including, the following:
Why low fat diets can be extremely dangerous.
Should we eat beef, poultry, eggs & fish, or be vegetarian, and why.
The problems with vegetarian diets.
The truth about dairy products.
Good vs bad fats and oils.
Why coconut oil & butter are good but margarines, corn oil and soybean oils are bad. The truth about soy products. The top three causes of death are all related to diet so how do we prevent them or reduce our risks.
Do headaches, dandruff, eczema, asthma, ADD, and other conditions respond to nutritional interventions? YES! Why vitamins and
other supplements have become necessary for good health.
Which vitamins should we take and can any be harmful.
How about herbs?
The role of Anti-oxidants and what are they anyway?
Why you need minerals and why they should not be colloidal.
Is salt good or bad?
Are eggs good or bad?
Is organic really better?
Learn about products like flax seed oil, cod liver oil, Aloe Vera, Pycnogenol, DHEA, CMO, OPC’s, Melatonin, “green foods”, and more.
Learn the truth about vaccinations (do they immunize?).
What are the best forms of exercise?
Are cancer and other degenerative diseases preventable?
What is homeopathy and does it work?
Are your silver fillings silently destroying your health?
Why an aspirin a day may do more harm than good.
Why the media’s reports on nutrition always contradict each other and why most doctors will never learn the facts about nutrition.
The effects of light & sun on our health.
What are the problems with our current cancer research and treatments?
A brief look at non-traditional cancer treatments and other types of alternative therapies and practitioners.

Nutritional Supplements (18 hour course)

In this 18 hour nutritional supplements online course, David Getoff takes a comprehensive look at the proper uses and applications of nutritional supplements.  David’s Nutritional Supplements course is split into 6 sessions (each approximately 3 hours) where David tells you which brands work best, gives dosage recommendations, and explains how he uses these products in actual practice. 

This Nutritional Supplements course includes topics such as:
Trace minerals
Systemic enzymes
Many different herbs
Anti-bacterial products
Anti-viral products
Immune system products
And so much more!

There will be lots of handouts but no tests, and ample time will be allowed to answer your questions since this class has been designed especially for YOU!

You will learn a lot, have a GREAT time, and never get bored, (I PROMISE)

David Getoff has been a student of nutrition for over 40 years, and has a busy private practice in San Diego county (El Cajon). David is a traditional Naturopath and Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist. He is licensed as a Naturopath in North Carolina and is licensed as a Nutritionist in the State of New York. California does not license these occupations. He is a professional member of the International and American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists, The American Association for Health Freedom, the American Holistic Health Association, The Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine, The American Nutrition Association, The American Society for Nutrition and a number of others.  David is also the vice president of the Price‑Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, was a Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine until it disbanded, and has been on the teaching faculty of the American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry for close to a decade.   David loves sharing his knowledge with anyone interested in improving their health. Health and medical professionals are always welcome. Bring an open mind, a wish to be healthier, and all of your questions so that they can finally be answered.

Preventive medicine does not mean diagnosing illnesses sooner or earlier, it means preventing them from occurring in the first place.
Good health requires some work on your part, come learn how.

There has probably never been a more thorough course in improving your health and learning the facts. These are facts that you may never hear from our politically-correct media or the books and periodicals which contradict one another with every new issue that hits the news stands.

Muscle-Testing Seminars

Both my Muscle Testing classes (3 hr. class for the public and a 12 hour course for professionals) are available for free on the David Getoff Channel on Rumble.

Although muscle testing (or any of the many other names it is being given) is an excellent way of gathering information, it is most often done incorrectly. Any time you feel that the person testing you is actually applying more pressure when they say your response is weak and less when they claim you are strong, you are probably correct, and you might want to find another health practitioner. It takes both a good teacher and a great deal of time in order to learn this skill correctly. Since most people teaching it are poor teachers and worse muscle testers, it can be difficult to find a way to learn this fascinating and extremely useful skill.

It has become very clear over many years of using muscle testing, that it allows me to obtain a far greater amount of information than any other three testing methods combined. This is the reason that after many requests from various health practitioners, I have decided to begin teaching others this necessary and useful technique.

I spent almost $12,000 to have my last two day seminar professionally video taped and edited. This set contains all the information needed to learn muscle testing as long as it is viewed by six or more people together, and you break up and do the exercises and then start the tape up again to hear the discussion etc. until the entire seminar has been listened to and followed.

Watch my 3-hour Muscle Testing Class for the public and the 12-hour Scientific Muscle Testing for Professionals are available for free on David Getoff’s channel on rumble.
