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The Duck recipe David tried and liked best

1. While the duck breasts are still cold from the refrigerator and the fat is firm, score them through the skin and fat, but not through the meat. Make the scores on an angle and to indicate serving pieces, about 3/4″ apart in two directions to make a diamond pattern. Let the duck breasts now sit and come to room…

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Taking My Supplements

Patients, students and the public often ask me what I do in order to speed up the process of taking my daily supplements? Do I divide up each morning’s and evening’s supplements into small baggies or plastic containers at the beginning of the week, so it won’t take so much time to get them all out of their containers every…

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Osteoporosis Lecture by David Getoff

Osteoporosis Lecture (part 1)

Listen Here:  (download as mp3)

Osteoporosis Lecture (part 2)

Listen Here:  (download as mp3) Sadly physicians are never taught that osteoporosis is caused predominantly by multiple nutrient deficiencies. They drug the body with toxic chemicals which prevent the healthy elimination of old bone cells and so it appears denser on a scan, but it is not structurally any better and…

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Taking supplemental vitamins, helpful or a waste of money? MP3 Recording and PDF Article with References, on why not to trust Wikipedia on vitamins

Listen Here:  (download as mp3) A really exceptional presentation by Gary Null, PhD on August of 2018. I have been teaching my students and my patients the benefits of good quality nutritional supplements for about 30 years. I always mention that there are many thousands more published research studies on every nutrient than there are on ANY prescription or OTC…

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Vitamin Supplement Research- Why we do keep hearing that vitamins don’t work or are a waste of money?

Newspaper articles, TV News coverage, radio shows and the mainstream media in general, continually “release” research that shows that vitamin supplements don’t work or worse yet, that the group taking them didn’t live as long. The reason for this incorrect piece of nonsense is very straightforward and easy to understand. Listen while I explain it for you, so you won’t…

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What did our early more modern prehistoric humans really eat?

What early humans ate is being argued all over the web.  On blogs, on websites of vegetarians and vegans to try to support their own idea of a healthy diet and by numerous supposed “experts”.  The problem is that most either have zero science to back up their beliefs,  they make up whatever science they want, or they cling to…

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Artery Clogging Saturated Fats (Or Not)

Does the thought of a steak, bacon and eggs, or real milk make you cringe thinking you’re instantly clogging up your arteries? How many times have you seen physicians and nutritionists write “artery clogging saturated fats”? For the last 40 years the dietary instructions from governments and other authoritative bodies have told us to avoid all animal fats. Americans took…

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