David recommends these entries first for this category

Cancer – General Overview

Important Information when the Diagnosis is Cancer There is a great deal of legitimate research and many published studies on holistic or non-traditional cancer treatments. A physician’s lack of knowledge in this area will never negate the research or the excellent results shown for some of these treatments. If you look hard enough, you may find that in many cases,…

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A brief video and a new book on Vaccine Facts

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Cancer Discussion by Marcus Freudenmann

Marcus Freudenmann is the producer/director of the movie Cancer is Curable NOW I met Marcus after he phoned me one day in 2011 and asked if he could interview me for possible inclusion in the cancer movie he was making. I became friends with him and with his wife during the filming in my office and subsequent filmings as they gathered more information….

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Vaccines, what you really need to know

  Vaccines, what you really need to know, was recorded from a live show on Coast to Coast AM. Although Coast to Coast sometimes has very controversial guest speakers, they often have very well credentialed world experts on important topics, and this was definitely one of those times. Since this recording is available to the public on their web site,…

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DNA testing – is it a Good or Bad idea

More and more medical professionals and patients are getting DNA testing done to determine their risks for cancer, heart disease and other conditions. A famous actress has even had a double mastectomy and publicized it in the national media. Is this a good idea or not and why. Listen and make your own decisions. Listen Here:  (download as mp3)

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Tamanu Oil, a skin healing miracle oil.

I have been using Tamanu oil in my practice and on my scrapes and cuts on my own body for probably 20+ years. It is one of the few substances other than Aloe Vera, which can increase the speed at which our cells regenerate to heal a wound. Listen to this rather very old recording of the benefits of this…

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EMF’s – Lloyd Burrell interviews David Getoff

In February, I agreed to have Lloyd Burrell of www.ElectricSense.com interview me on the topic of EMF’s. What I do to help people avoid or reduce their exposure to these harmful energies and is there any way to get some “protection” from their damaging effects. Since he was calling me from France, we had some phone issues, which I edited…

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Iodine – do we need more and how to test

There is a HUGE disagreement between main stream and holistic professionals about both the need for and testing of iodine in human nutritional biochemistry. From my extensive research, both sides have a few things right and a few things wrong. The wrongs, however, seem to be in the greatest abundance and they appear to be VERY wrong. Hence my audio…

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Drug Insert Proposed Changes

Bill Sardi is a friend of mine and I like his idea of making drug companies put this insert in the package with all of their drugs. Of course it will never happen, but it would be a great idea.

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Dirty Electricity

Although I have given you, with the authors permission, a PDF of this article, I recommend that you instead Click on this Link and go to the original article on the Health Impact News web site. When you access the article through their web site, you also gain access to all the many excellent videos which are linked within their…

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