David recommends these entries first for this category

Cancer – General Overview

Important Information when the Diagnosis is Cancer There is a great deal of legitimate research and many published studies on holistic or non-traditional cancer treatments. A physician’s lack of knowledge in this area will never negate the research or the excellent results shown for some of these treatments. If you look hard enough, you may find that in many cases,…

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Carbon Monoxide may be harming you

18 years ago, while I was investigating the sensitivity and quality of Carbon Monoxide sensors and Radon sensors, I found only one manufacturer in each category, which made and sold devices that actually do their job as well as we would all want them to. Co Experts, whose web site I have permission to reproduce this article from their owner…

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Benefits of Whole Home Purification Systems

Here is another good article on the benefits of using ozone generators. Currently (2014)my favorite units for indoor use are made by Jenesco. Always learn enough about the use of ozone so that you do not put too much into your air. I have a Royal Air unit in my bedroom on a U.S. made cycle timer. It is set…

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Food, Drug, and Cosmetic coloring agents, BEWARE!

One of my students, Debbie Lindgren, wrote this fabulous article on the toxic facts about these FDA approved coloring agents. Whenever you see FD&C colors, BEWARE! Debbie had told me that I could put this up on my site as long as I waited for it to be published, and then after it was published, I completely forget to get…

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The ozone is bad for your lungs MYTH

Many supposed authorities and even the State of California Air Resources Board, mistakenly believe that ozone is smog: That ozone is toxic: That ozone generators should be banned as damaging to human health. I have been using ozone generators in my home for 30 years and some of my patients would be in pretty bad shape if they did not…

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Understanding Ozone

Ozone facts are being distorted or completely lied about. Doctors and weather forecasters think it is a poison which we should avoid. The facts are almost the exact opposite. Ed McCabe has written a number of excellent books on Oxygen therapies and I recommend that you read read one. Meanwhile, this article, even though the links will not be active,…

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Robert F Kennedy Jr’s article on Vaccines

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. investigates the government cover-up of a mercury/autism scandal. This article is one of the best I have found regarding some of the cover-ups that occur with regards to vaccination. Read and learn.

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C.H.E.K. Report 16th Issue 2007

In 2007, the world renowed C.H.E.K. Institute located in San Marcos California, asked if they might interview me in depth and then publish the interview in their journal. Since I know Paul Chek, and have given lectures to his trainers and graduates at their institute, I was happy to agree. The interview was quite extensive and pretty much encompassed the…

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Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver is both a fabulous product with many important uses. It is also often a fraudulent product which does not even contain what is claimed on the label. The difference depends on the brand of colloidal silver. Personally, I only recommend Meso Silver from www.PurestColloids.com. This is by far the best article I have ever read about colloidal silver….

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Another Excellent China Study Rebuttal

Many years have passed since T. Colin Campbell wrote his book (not a research paper or a study) entitled The China Study In my lectures and classes I still have people saying “but what about the China Study”.?   Very few understand that it is a book and not a study.  That the facts he discovered during his research, in many…

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