David recommends these entries first for this category

Cancer – General Overview

Important Information when the Diagnosis is Cancer There is a great deal of legitimate research and many published studies on holistic or non-traditional cancer treatments. A physician’s lack of knowledge in this area will never negate the research or the excellent results shown for some of these treatments. If you look hard enough, you may find that in many cases,…

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Successful Aging EXPO Presentation

As promised, here is a recording of my presentation on Oct 27th 2018. You can download the slides and then advance them while you listen to my lecture. Sorry the audio and the slides have to be separate but since they did not video tape the presentation this is how I can give it all to you as a gift….

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Taking supplemental vitamins, helpful or a waste of money? MP3 Recording and PDF Article with References, on why not to trust Wikipedia on vitamins

Listen Here:  (download as mp3) A really exceptional presentation by Gary Null, PhD on August of 2018. I have been teaching my students and my patients the benefits of good quality nutritional supplements for about 30 years. I always mention that there are many thousands more published research studies on every nutrient than there are on ANY prescription or OTC…

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Vitamin Supplement Research- Why we do keep hearing that vitamins don’t work or are a waste of money?

Newspaper articles, TV News coverage, radio shows and the mainstream media in general, continually “release” research that shows that vitamin supplements don’t work or worse yet, that the group taking them didn’t live as long. The reason for this incorrect piece of nonsense is very straightforward and easy to understand. Listen while I explain it for you, so you won’t…

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The Whole Truth about Whole Foods by Mike Adams, The Health Ranger

Mike Adams and his Natural News Website has been informing us, exposing fraud and digging up important facts for many…

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Interview with Cindy Makela of California Coast Naturals Olive Oil

After I finished reading Extra Virginity which exposes all the crap going on in the Olive oil industry, (you should read it, it’s fascinating) I had the fortune of meeting a number of people in the Makela family who own California Coast Naturals, an excellent grower and producer of extra virgin olive oil and other olive products.  For many years…

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