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Arthritis Lecture by David Getoff, presented at the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation

Arthritis is a strange medical condition. It is classified as a “disease” by our “modern” medical system, but I disagree. It is an inflammatory condition with many possible causes, a great deal of which are the foods we eat that our bodies do not like. Our bodies tell us they don’t like certain foods, by giving us these symptoms which…

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UFOlogist Dr. Steven Greer

Dr. Steven Greer is an American retired medical doctor and ufologist who founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and The Disclosure Project, which seeks the disclosure of suppressed UFO information. His movie, Sirius was excellent and is now available for free on YouTube along with lots of his other information at This 3 hour MP3- recorded…

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Sweeteners, starches and alcohols

Sugar, although required by the brain and the body tissues every second of every day, can cause diabetes, obesity, heart disease and cancer just to name a few. In this recording I cover the facts about sweeteners and sugar converters in a way that everyone should be able to understand and I especially go over the problems of fructose and…

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Autism and Vaccines – Dr. Andrew Wakefield – Fraud, Deception & Lies

The autism/vaccine link remains big news and the pharmaceutical industry will do ANYTHING within their power to make certain that most of the public believes that there is no such link. They want everyone who believes that there is a link (and there most definitely is) to be discredited and looked at as a fool. They are at it once…

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Vitamin D is good for you

More and more anti-vitamin articles have been appearing in the main stream press. I am not sure why, but it almost feels like the pharmaceutical companies are getting scared that we may improve our health with better foods and nutritional supplements and need less of their drugs. Could that be prompting them to pay the media to put in articles…

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Vitamin C, a Fabulous Presentation of Facts

A number of years ago, I attended a medical conference where Dr. Thomas Levy, MD. PhD gave a very comprehensive lecture on the numerous benefits of, and research on, vitamin C. To date, this is still one of the best lectures on vitamin C that I have ever heard. I have broken it into two parts due to the size…

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Water filters, water purifiers, water alkalizers, etc.

Everyone is telling us something different about how to filter our water. What filters are best, what are the differences, how do they work, what can they remove and what about chloramines and fluoride. Listen and learn and take notes. Listen Here:  (download as mp3)

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Gluten, Gliadin and Wheat

An in depth discussion and explanation of what everyone (and I do mean everyone) needs to know. Learn how many of your symptoms and problems might possibly be caused or aggravated by these substances, regardless of what other medical professional may have told you to the contrary. Listen and learn. Knowledge is power. Listen Here:  (download as mp3)

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