Long Term Effect of Vaccine Components

Once again, Dr. Adams (www.thenaturalrecoveryplan.com) has done an excellent job. This time she covers vaccination facts and I specifically like…

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Former ER Physician Sounds The Alarm On Vaccination Dangers

Dr Tenpenny is one of the top world experts on vaccination facts and published vaccination research studies. She has been…

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Vaccinations, Autism, the CDC, and our governments cover-ups

The cover-ups and lies related to the vaccine/Autism connection in our pharmaceutical/medical establishment and our government are enormous, scary, and…

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Dr. Joseph Mercola Interviews Dr. Suzanne Humphries, MD

Dr. Joseph Mercola Interviews Dr. Suzanne Humphries, MD about the REAL FACTS about vaccinations. Listen only if you are interested in learning…

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SHOCKING Autism Cover-Up Investigative Documentary 2016 on CDC and Vaccines

One of the best documentaries I have seen on the CDC autism research cover-up. The proof that their own research…

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Vaccine Fraud reported to congress but nothing gets done about it

This excellent video is from after the CDC whistle blower exposed the CDC vaccine research fraud but before his name…

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What the CDC documents say about vaccines – Dr. Tenpenny

Dr. Sherry Tenpenny is a licensed physician I highly respect. I know her in person. She has possibly done more…

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The best most complete vaccine interview with Robert Kennedy Jr.

Dr. Patrick Gentempo has put together the best most complete and most accurate expose on vaccination facts and fallacies that has ever been done in the history of the world! Finally, we have a 9 part series with a total of over 15 hours of interviews, with true world experts in the field of vaccine science. If anyone watches even…

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