A good presentation to help explain how statistics can easily be manipulated. To show, by the facts you choose to…
Violence, guns, and mass shootings (10 results)
If we want to greatly reduce the number of unnecessary deaths in this country there are many ways to do that rapidly. Teach nutrition to physicians. Teach the public the truth about vaccinations. Enforce the laws better regarding the use of cell phones while driving. Make driving exams more difficult before you can get a drivers licence. Improve the quality of our food. One of the ways to greatly reduce deaths HAS NOT been shown to be by taking guns away from law abiding citizens. That is a well know but incorrect piece of information. Almost every mass shooter was on prescription psychiatric medications. The best book I have read on the facts we “should” all wish to know is by John R. Lott, Jr and is titled The War On Guns, Arming yourself against Gun Control Lies. I am angry with the NRA for being too far to one side of this issue and I am angry with the Brady group and Bloomberg for being just as extreme on the other side. BOTH are wrong in many ways, read my article in this area to see my ideas.
If only valid research were used instead of lies, we would have a better country.
Mass Shootings & Psychiatric Drugs
With increasing acts of violence and mass murder being committed by individuals under the influence of legally prescribed psychotropic drugs,…
Why a good guy might not help those around him/her in the state of California
This is a good and very accurate explanation of why, in the State of California, some individuals with the right…
Second amendment and gun control with Penn and Teller
No this is not a political website. On the other hand, medicine is ruled more by politics and greed than…
Mark Robinson addresses Greensboro N.C. City Council on gun control
This is a pretty good and very factual 4 minute presentation by a citizen, to the North Carolina City council…
A Speech by Virginia Delegate Nick Freitas
This is an interesting speech which I think has a lot of truth in it. Delegate Nick Freitas, the liberty-minded…
Possibly the best 7 minute presentation on Gun Control
To really fully understand the actual facts about gun violence and gun control, you should read some of Professor John R. Lott’s…
Crime statistics are often misleading
Health & Nutrition is not the only area of our society where we get lied to by the media and…