Water is essential to life and yet it may and often does contain numerous very harmful chemical compounds, metals, pharmaceutical…
Detoxification (14 results)
Has our food changed and become toxic?
This TED talk, by Robyn O’Brien, is a clearly stated, well explained lecture of what she found has been done…

Mercury in our environment
Carl Safina of the Blue Ocean Institute has written and exceptional and very thorough research paper on mercury. If you want to know more about this issue, this article would be a great place to start. If you already know a lot about this , then this article will probably give you a great deal more information than you currently…

Chemotherapy – Antioxidants do NOT interfere with treatment Part 1 & 2
These articles appear courtesy of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, www.alternative-therapies.com I greatly thank both the author Dr. Simone, and the journal for having given me written permission to put both parts of this extremely important article on my web site. Part 1 – “Antioxidants do NOT interfere with treatment”. Part 2 – “Antioxidants do NOT interfere with treatment”.