The autism/vaccine link remains big news and the pharmaceutical industry will do ANYTHING within their power to make certain that most of the public believes that there is no such link. They want everyone who believes that there is a link (and there most definitely is) to be discredited and looked at as a fool. They are at it once again, most likely because too much profit money is being “lost” due to parents deciding not to vaccinate their children, (which is a decision I support). A fabulous and super ethical research scientist, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, is now being dragged over the coals for political and monetary reasons and NOT due to any fraud. Please listen to the recording I have made. Remember that knowledge is power, but he (or she) who believes that the media and their physician are almost always correct and accurate, are more misinformed than they could possibly know.
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After David died, with permission from David’s wife, Linda, Joan Grinzi will be uploading information to his website that she found in his office and on his computer that might be helpful to people. Periodically, she will send out emails notifying people of this new material.
David Getoff was a board certified clinical nutritionist & traditional Naturopath who worked with diabetes, Autism, memory, cancer, EI, MCS, MS, ALS, heart disease, mercury, neurological issues and specialized in safe detoxification.
For David, the benefits of optimal health were well worth the effort.