A Fully Informed Jury Association www.fija.org

Categories: Published Articles

Very few people who have been or might in the future be called for and become a juror, have the faintest idea of their rights and how much POWER they have as a juror in the jury box. The Fully Informed Jury is a nonprofit organization which works to educate the public so you will in fact know your powers and your rights. Here is what they do: and please, in addition to the short PDF brochure, please read the other information on their web site and support this important organization

FIJA works to:
. Inform potential jurors of their traditional, legal authority to refuse to enforce unjust laws
. Inform potential jurors that they cannot be required to check their consciences at the courthouse door
. Inform potential jurors that they cannot be punished for their verdicts
. Inform everyone that juror veto-jury nullification-is a peaceful way to protect human rights against corrupt politicians and government tyranny

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