It no longer surprises me how little the public, the medical profession and even the dental profession know about (or were taught about) the current level of research into heavy metals and human health. The well-researched and well documented health effects of our exposure to lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum and other toxic metals seems almost unknown to everyone. It is not being taught to any of our professionals or the public. It is not being taught to those who will become our future teachers or professors and so they also will not teach it to their students. I will relay just one interesting discussion I had in my office many years ago and then give you some lectures to listen to and one or more books to read or maybe video to watch.
A new patient was brought to me by her husband. Her condition and symptoms are not important, but her husband, a retired professor from a dental college in Hawaii, had read and listened to some of my lectures and writings and began by asking me if we could agree to disagree about silver (amalgam) dental fillings. If I remember correctly, he said that he thought I could help his wife but that since he knew I taught that silver (amalgam) fillings leached mercury and were dangerous to human health, and since as a retired dental professor he “knew” that this was nonsense, could we just “not go there” and keep on working to help his wife.
So we had a bit of a discussion. I asked him whether he would want to know if his information was wrong. He said that was a stupid question. That he was a university professor in a dental college and of course he would always want to know if anything he was taught and had been teaching his students was actually wrong. So I loaned him a set of CD recordings from an excellent Heavy Metals workshop I had attended at one of The American College for Advancement in Medicine scientific conferences ( a number of years before.
When he came back with his wife for her second appointment, he walked into my office waving the set of CD’s in his hand and said “this makes me furious”. I remember replying, I hope you’re not angry at me. He said he was angry that he had been taught invalid information and in turn had been teaching lies regarding silver amalgam fillings to his students for his entire career. I think I probably said something like welcome to my world.
He had listened to the 3 professional lectures I had loaned him and had then spent hours locating and reading published research studies which all validated what these professionals had lectured about while at the same time invalidating everything he had been told about the safety of silver dental fillings and a great deal more. He asked me if I would be willing to lecture at his dental college and I assured him they would never allow it, which of course they did not. I am always happy to (even one at a time) educate intelligent open minded professionals about all the things they think they know but that are actually wrong. I have put the audio MP3’s of the 3 lectures that I loaned him here for you to listen to. I have also put up an interesting video that another professional did to educate dental professors.
In addition, I highly recommend that you read a good book (or two) on the facts about mercury. There are many out there so I just recommend one which is also available from as an audio book in case that is how you like to “read” these days. Its title is Diagnosis Mercury and the author is Jane Hightower, MD
Mercury is a deadly neurological poison. This information has been know for decades and any toxicology text should cover some of the known symptoms caused by mercury poisoning including dementia, nerve damage, and emotional problems. The World Health Organization as well as numerous scientists have publicly admitted that the dominant source of mercury in the human body comes from silver amalgam dental fillings. All silver fillings, generally referred to as “amalgams”, are manufactured to contain 50-52% mercury. This is still the dominant filling material being used by most dentists in the United States, even though some other countries, having looked at all the research, have banned the use of this material in dentistry. The U.S. still has its head in the sand regarding mercury in dentistry although the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been researching mercury for years and condemning its use in all industries except the health care industry. Mercury has been eliminated from paint (it was there to reduce mildew) and from many other products including mercury electrical switches. We are constantly being warned about the mercury levels in fish and yet the dominant source, our amalgam fillings, rarely get any attention. Numerous vaccination still contain “Thimerosol” as a preservative and this is an extremely potent form of mercury. I am adding this area to my web site in order to give my readers some important information regarding this toxic poison and to help you decide what to do about it. Please be kind to your dentist and other health professionals who have been taught lies regarding the safety of amalgam fillings. These professionals are simply telling you their beliefs and they do not realize these beliefs have been proven wrong for over two decades. Refer them to the International Association for Oral Medicine and Toxicology or the research published by Murray, Vimy, Haley and others on amalgam toxicity. Also please read and suggest the books Uninformed Consent by Huggins and Levy, Elements of Danger by Walker and Root Canal Cover-up Exposed by Meinig.
PLEASE NOTE: If you should decide, after further investigation on your part, to have your own fillings changed in order to remove the mercury that is leaking into your body 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, BE ADVISED of three EXTREMELY IMPORTANT pieces of information. First- that if the removal is not done correctly, by a properly trained mercury free dentist, you will release far more mercury into your body than you would if you leave them in your mouth. Second- that unless a compatibility test is done to determine what materials are best suited to you, the replacement fillings might have other chemicals that are also very toxic to your body. Third- that removing the silver amalgam filings simply turns off the mercury faucet in your mouth. Almost all of the mercury that has been going into your body since the day the first silver filling was placed by a dentist, is still there. The research shows that it is now bound to tissues in your brain, kidneys, liver and a number of other areas from where it is slowly poisoning your body. The mercury will remain there, doing its damage, unless you locate a properly trained professional to begin helping your body to slowly get it out. When done correctly, this removal process (chelating) takes from one to three years for the soft tissues and an additional 5-7 years to remove these substances from the skeletal system (our bones). If you stop after a couple of years, although you have certainly system (our bones). If you stop after a couple of years, although you have certainly done a lot of good, the metals will now slowly leach out of your bones and into all the tissues again as they reach what is referred to as a new (lower total) homeostasis. Take a look at the chart below regarding health related symptoms and their relation to dental fillings that was published in the March 1993 issue of the Bio-Probe newsletter.

From my research into this subject, which includes well over 100,000 dollars spent attending scientific conferences where this information gets presented, I have developed the following conclusions. At the very least, some of the conditions which mercury is either aggravating or possibly may even be the primary cause of, appear to include- dementia and other memory problems, Alzheimer’s disease, numerous emotional problems, many neuropathies, kidney disease, possibly many cancers, heart irregularities, muscle tremors, and a great deal more.
I implore you to at least read or watch one or more of the references that I list at the end of this section BEFORE you ask any health professionals opinion. You will now know more than they do and can better react to their misunderstanding and lack of knowledge. Remember, facts are facts and no amount of training or fancy initials after a name will ever change that. DETOXIFYING YOUR BODY OF HEAVY METALS
Binding heavy metals and “pulling” them out of your body is generally called chelating or chelation. This word is often misunderstood. When my new video on detoxification is released around August of 2007, I will go into all of this in depth and teach you everything you need to know to properly and safely detoxify your body. Here I will concentrate only on the toxic metals. Many substances will bind heavy metals and remove them from your body. They generally exit your body via your stool, urine, hair, breath, and sweat. Some forms of chelation are accomplished with drugs. These drugs include substances that are referred to as EDTA, DMSA, DMPS, and D-penicillamine. All of these are available in both intravenous and oral forms. The web site will give some of the problems that have been caused by DMPS in some individuals. That web site claims that DMSA is much safer, but I do not agree. From the many hundreds of patients that I have spoken with who have used these substances under proper medical supervision, a far greater number had bad reactions, sometimes very severe and long lasting, from the DMSA. When an energetic system is utilized to determine which substance is most supportive to the body’s needs, it is my observation that none of these drugs ever test as desirable. I utilize energetic testing with every patient. You may read my article on Muscle Testing in the published articles section of this web site.
When this is done, and after testing dozens of products, I find that most patients test best to be using one (and always only one at a time) of the following products. ACZ nano manufactured by Results RNA, Modifilan algae capsules from or call Sergie at 415-661-5762, Metal Free spray which is a health practitioner item and not generally available to the consumer, and Heavy Metal Nano Detox from In my office, the first item, the ACZ nano, tests best for the largest percentage of my patients, currently about 70%. Please note that this means that about 30 out of every 100 patients test best for one of the other 3 products. I have tested many forms EDTA liquid, capsules, gel, and suppositories. None ever tests when the body is also given a choice of the above four products. One of these four always tests best. On my Detoxification DVD, I cover in depth, how I use these and other products, however I feel that it is my duty to at least give some information on this site. Since the ACZ nano tests for the largest number of people and since I have run many heavy metal lab tests to validate how well it works, I will explain how I tell my patients to use this product. NOTE that I was previously using a network marketed product called Natural Cellular Defense. I have tested the NON-Network marketed ACZ nano zeolite product and found it to be equal in EVERY WAY and 75% less expensive due to NOT being network marketed!! One $40.00 – $50.00 bottle of ACZ contains the same amount of the same concentration of zeolite as 4 bottles of the Natural Cellular Defense product, so as I said it is about one quarter the price. I even had the ACZ analyzed by a top heavy metals lab to make certain it contained no toxins of its own. It works, is easy to use and extremely well tolerated by everyone who uses it correctly. The following is the information that I give my patients.
I do not know you. And none of what I write on this web site has been reviewed or approved by the FDA. As a matter of fact, approval by the FDA is a sure sign that something may be harmful, since only drugs generally need their approval. Here goes.
ACZ nano (Advanced Cellular Zeolite) is a completely non-toxic liquid chelating agent. It binds to and gently removes from the body, numerous toxic substances specifically many and possibly all toxic heavy metals.
Mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, nickel, and other toxic metals are all removed by this agent. Current research as well as a great deal of clinical evidence appears to indicate that many other toxic substances may also removed by this product.
I currently have a very large percentage of my patients using this spray both to reduce their risks of future cancers and neurological conditions as well as to try to help their bodies better cope with current conditions.
I have personally been taking zeolite since about November of 2006. When I “tested” better it product than the Modifilan that I had been using for the previous 2 years.
Current data shows an 8 to 10 year time period is required in order to have one complete rebuilding cycle of our skeletal system (all of our bones). Since our bones are one of the storage sites for toxic heavy metals, we need to take a good chelating (binding) agent, on a daily basis, for this period of time, in order to be sure to pull out the majority of these substances.
There are currently more than a dozen products, four of which are drugs, that are being used to chelate out heavy toxic metals from the body. Although I utilize 6 of these in my practice, this spray, that I usually just refer to as ACZ, is testing out as being both the best and the least aggravating for the majority of my patients (about 60-70%).
Whenever taking a detoxification or chelating agent, the following is essential to remember.
- Start slowly since we want to do this at a pace that causes no noticeable symptoms.
- Increase the dose only about once a week to be sure the higher dose is okay.
- Reduce the dose if it causes any symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, loose stool or a skin rash as this means the poisons are coming out too fast for your body.
- If a very small dose, like 2 drops twice a day, causes a reaction, THEN YOU NEED TO DO SOME LIVER AND KIDNEY SUPPORT FOR 2 MONTHS FIRST.
- I generally recommend one spray twice a day first week. If no problems, raise to two sprays twice a day for the second week. If still no problems then raise to 3 sprays twice a day for the third and go till you get to 5 sprays twice a day. Then do this for at least 3 years, but I really recommend 8-10 years if you wish to do your best to prevent as many diseases as possible. Especially since the toxic metals such as mercury, may well be one of the greatest causes of memory loss and according to Professor Boyd Haley’s research, even Alzheimer’s
If you do develop any detoxification symptoms-
- Stop until the symptom goes away (usually 1-4 days).
- Resume at one half the dose that caused the symptoms.
- Raise your dose more slowly and stay at each dose longer before increasing.
Sprays may be taken at any time, food does not matter. You can search the product on Google or order from
Please note that this is the ONLY product that Results RNA makes that I use in my practice.
The following chart is a handout I made for all my students and patients.
It is a compilation of most of the studies looking at the mercury levels in fish and seafood. The news media is only telling the public a tiny amount of the story. Many fish are too high to be eaten by those who treasure their health as I do. I hope this chart I devised will help you to stay away from food that is damaging to your present and in the case of mercury your future health. Click here for the PDF version of the Mercury in Fish Chart.
David Getoff’s Mercury in Fish and Seafood Chart & Recommendations
(NOTE – FDA action level is 1.0 ppm) Compiled from FDA and other Mercury in fish monitoring programs through rev. 2/2012 ND represents None Detected (mercury) in some of the test samples My recommendations are for healthy people – I may be MUCH stricter for many disease conditions |
FISH or SEAFOOD Name or SPECIES | Mercury Range (ppm) | David’s Recommendations |
BASS (fresh water) | 0.15 to 0.34 | OK to eat a few times a year |
BASS (salt water – Black or Striped) | ND to 0.96 | Bad Guessupper range is too high |
BLACK COD | ND to 1.21 | Bad Guess upper range is too high |
CATFISH | ND to 0.31 | OK to eat a few times a year |
CARP | ND to 0.27 | GOOD (eat up to once a month) |
COD | ND to 0.98 | Most low but some high =Bad Guess |
CRAB, Blue | 0.02 to 0.50 | OK to eat a few times a year |
CRAB, Dungeness | 0.02 to 0.48 | OK to eat a few times a year |
CRAB, Tanner | ND to 0.38 | Better than the crabs above |
CRAB, King | 0.02 to 0.24 | GOOD +Currenlty the best crab |
FLOUNDER & SOLE (also called Flat Fish) | ND to 0.21 | Excellent choice |
HADDOCK | ND to 0.19 | Excellent choice |
HAKE | ND to 0.38 | OK to eat a few times a year |
HERRING | ND TO 0.56 | Since few samples tested high GOOD+ |
HALLIBUT | ND to 1.5 | Bad Guess upper range is too high |
GROUPER | 0.006 to 1.2 | Bad Guess upper range is too high |
LOBSTER (various species) | ND to 0.25 | Good |
Mackeral (Pacific only) | 0.03 to 0.19 | Very Good |
Mackeral (Gulf of Mexico and Atlanitic) | 0.07 to 1.5 | Bad Guess upper range is too high |
King Mackeral | SAME AS ABOVE | Bad Guess upper range is too high |
MAHI MAHI | 0.11 to 0.21 | Excellent choice |
MARLIN | 0.11 to 0.92 | Bad Guess upper range is too high |
MONKFISH | 0.10 to 0.29 | Good |
ORANGE ROUGHY | 0.26 to 1.12 | DO NOT EAT |
OYSTERS | ND to 0.25 | GOOD (eat up to once a month) |
PERCH (Fresh Water only) | ND to 0.325 | Good |
PERCH (Ocean) | ND to 0.578 | OK to eat a few times a year |
PICKEREL | No recent report | Don’t Eat due to lack of information |
POLLACK | ND to 0.78 | Bad Guess upper range is too high |
SABLE | 0.09 to 1.0 | Bad Guess upper range is too high |
SHEEPSHEAD | ND to 0.17 | Excellent choice |
SKATE | 0.04 to 0.36 | Good okay for a few times a year |
SALMON (I will only eat wild caught fish) | ND to 0.19 | Excellent choice |
SHRIMP (only wild caught is low in chemicals) | ND to 0.05 | AMONG THE LOWEST IN MERCURY √ |
SHARK | 0.05 to 4.54 | DO NOT EAT !!! |
SNAPPER (Red) | ND to 1.36 | Bad Guess upper range is too high |
SWORDFISH | ND to 3.22 | DO NOT EAT !!! |
TILEFISH | 0.65 to 3.70 | DO NOT EAT !!! |
TILAPIA (I don’t eat since the’re farm raised) | ND to 0.084 | AMONG THE LOWEST IN MERCURY √ |
TROUT | ND to 0.68 | Bad Guess unless from small fish |
TUNA Albacore | ND to 0.76 | Bad Guess unless from small fish |
TUNA (AHI) | ND to 1.20 | Bad Guess unless from small fish |
Tuna YELLOFIN | 0.12 to 2.46 | DO NOT EAT |
WEAKFISH | ND to 0.78 | Bad Guess |
WHITEFISH | ND to 0.31 | Good okay for a few times a year |
Obviously the lower the better and since you will not be having your fish tested by a lab before you eat it, it isalways a bit of an unknown. Yes I do know thaqt I have chosen somewhat arbitrary boundries between mycategories but I did the bset I could to give you something to use as a reference. Some experts I know personally such as Hal Huggin, DDS say that no one who cares about the future health shouyld consume ANY FISH AT ALL!I find that almost everything we do in life exposes us to poisons, and that in most cases, you are taking in more toxic substances from you soaps, shampoos, toothpastes, body lotions, household cleanses, carpeting, copier,lubricants, etc., than you are in a portion of otherwise healthy fish whose mercury is below 0.23ppm. if you keep exposing yourself to all these other toxic chemical, the frish may not be your worst problem. |
For those of you who are either information-aholics (like me) or who need proof before believing something (definitely like me), here is further reading for you.
- Go to and purchase their DVD’s entitled Smoking Teeth Poison Gas, Quecksilber, and Thimerosol and neurodevelopment disorder.
- Go to the web site and from their drop down menu read the information on arsenic, mercury, or body burden.
- Go to the web site and write mercury, lead, or arsenic into the search box. Hope you have lots of time for reading and this web site of our very own government’s Centers for Disease Control.
- Read on or more of these books: Uniformed Consent by Huggins, Elements of Danger by Walker, Whole Body Dentistry by Breiner, Our Toxic World a Wake Up Call by Rapp.
- If you need more, I can sell you some CD’s from a medical toxic metals workshop that I attended and you can listen to some of the presentations.
There is only one way for physicians and other educated intelligent individuals to NOT REALIZE the abundance of science which proves that all this is real and at epidemic levels. IGNORANCE!!!
My spiritual counselor has made me realize that I must stop referring to ignorant people as stupid. Let’s be fair here. Stupid generally refers to individuals with a lower IQ and less brain abilities. It is not possible therefore, to make it through medical school if you are stupid. Ignorance on the other hand, although it is a very strong and demeaning sounding word, simply refers to a lack of knowledge. The problem is that too many intelligent individuals including the majority of physicians, refuse to accept that there is a vast amount of information that they WERE NOT TAUGHT. Furthermore, many extremely intelligent people do not understand and have not properly considered just how much of what they were taught, was due to either politics and money, or once again, ignorance.
Every university professor in a science field has this knowledge, at least in part. These professors, whether in the field of physics, biology, botany, chemistry, etc., will all agree on one thing. Even their best text books, the ones that the students learn from the most easily due to their having being written better and easier to understand, must be tossed out and replaced every few years. This is because SO MUCH OF WHAT THEY CONTAIN HAS BEEN PROVEN WRONG BY NEW RESEARCH and they must be re-written and corrected in a new textbook. The professors in medical schools know this as well, but apparently only those who are the most honest and ethical will mention it to their students. In my many years of attending scientific conferences, I have personally heard only two or three physicians (MD’s) make the following comment in order to let all the participants understand this tremendous problem. This is not an exact quote of these few doctors, but it is as close as I can remember to the wording that they used. —
During my first few months at __________ Medical school. (These were top prestigious medical schools) one of my professors made a comment that stuck with me throughout my schooling and may have even helped push me into investigating and then embracing holistic and nutritional science and medicine. The comment was that about 50% of what we will be teaching you during your medical school training, will be correct, and the other 50% will be wrong. The problem is that we do not know which is which and so we will do our best. Science is not perfect. Research is not perfect, and people are not perfect, so never stop learning and questioning. (An honest professor)
Personally, I consider it a travesty that this is not taught in every school, medical or otherwise, and that it is not taught to the public. It is a shame that most physicians KNOW that they are right (regardless of the facts), that most patients KNOW that what their physicians tell them is both correct, valid, and in the best interests of improving their health. This doesn’t even take into account the FACT that five specialists can in many instances give anywhere from 2 to 5 different diagnoses or opinions. My favorite two quotes that best depict this problem, are as follows-
Epictetus (55 AD – 135 AD) Greek born Roman Philosopher
What gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know, it’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.
~ Josh Billings
This great quote is incorrectly attributed to Mark Twain in Al Gore’s movie An Inconvenient Truth as well as numerous other places all over the web. I checked this quote with the historian at the Mark Twain Institute who told me that quotes are often attributed to the wrong person and that this is just one very good example. It is due to people not checking with the proper authority and simply repeating what they have seen or heard elsewhere.
I wish you good luck in your own personal quests for health and I hope the information on my web has will be beneficial in your journey.
If you are truly interested in the suppressed facts regarding medicine and our healthcare system, you really ought to read an exceptional article. Death by Medicine, was written as a collaborative effort by a number MD’s and PhD’s.
Here is a link to the article: Death by Medicine