Regardless of my views on who or what is or is not causing climate change, I am appalled at the way that money and power prevent our politicians from protecting the public and instead “buys” them and their votes. It is not climate change per say that worries me as much as the HUGE amount of pollution that we generate every day. This pollution cannot be negated or eliminated or neutralized. If we stop polluting, the environment will (slowly) handle it in whatever ways it can. HOWEVER, if we continue polluting, we are completely overwhelming the planets abilities to do this. The boat is leaking far more rapidly than its inhabitants and the planet can bail it out!
We are polluting our air and our lakes, rivers and oceans at an alarming rate. The environmental protection agency is so controlled by politics, that it cannot do its job and is therefore NOT a protection agency at all, but is rather a rubber stamp agency for big business. Manufacturing plants send millions (or is it billions) of gallons of toxic chemical waste into our water and billions of cubic feet of toxic chemicals into our air every year. This is added to the massive amounts of pesticides and herbicides used on our genetically modified crops and the antibiotics fed to our food poultry and livestock to make them grow faster while being far less healthy to those who eat them. The slap on the wrist fines they might receive are so insignificant that industry is more than willing to pay them rather than to clean up their act and become environmentally safe.
This presentation by a 17 year old is right on point and I hope it will in some way help get those in power and in control to listen, or hopefully be voted out of office and replaced by politicians who will be the of, by and for the people that they are elected to be. Great presentation!