In 2019, senate bill 276 (SB276) was introduced to be discussed and voted on, as the pro-vaccine people tried to push it through to make it a new (but very dangerous) law.
One of the more knowledgeable people who understands vaccine risks, Melissa Floyd, put together this “packet” of factual documented information to help educate our legislators as well as school officials and parents who don’t have time to do the necessary research to discover or uncover these facts.
She gave permission for it to be shared with whomever would benefit from learning any of the facts she researched and presented in this document.
Please read it all, as it contains many very different pieces of documented information and by all means share it with anyone who you think would benefit from learning any of what is presented here.
Download the PDF and upload it to any public sites where interested people might read it and learn.
Let’s strive to force all the ostriches to pull their heads out of the sand and look at BOTH SIDES of this issue.
David Getoff, CCN, CTN