Why Half of All Children Could Be Autistic by 2025- Stephanie Seneff, MIT Scientist is interviewed

Categories: Autism | Vaccination

Half of All Children Will Be Autistic by 2025, Warns Senior Research Scientist at MIT, Article by Alliance for Natural Health.

I have a great deal of information in this area of my web site on the vaccine links to of autism.  Vaccines however are not the only cause.  Other toxic substances such as glyphosate, Roundup® (which contains more than just glyphosate), and probably a number of other nerve and brain poisons are suspect as well.  Another one is aluminum, which replaced some of the mercury in childhood vaccines.

I attended a conference in which one of the presenting physicians told us that they had a few cases where the child’s autism was 100% gone within 4 months on a 100% strict organic foods only diet.   In many cities across the U.S. this would be impossible, but with most large cities now having a few good health food stores, it can be done.  My diet is probably 90+% organic but we eat out twice a month and some ethnic restaurants I like are not organic.   This means organic grass fed beef and lamb, organic pasture raised chicken and eggs, organic non starchy vegetable (the starchy ones are out or you may see no benefits),  wild caught LOW MERCURY fish, organic fats and oils, etc.  Listen to the 2 hour lecture I gave (on this site) on autism

If the chemicals in Roundup® are even partially responsible, or if it is a combination of the various neurological assaults on the brain and nervous system, and Roundup® is sometimes one of them, then a VERY STRICT 100% organic diet might aid noticeably in any kind of autism treatment.  This is why I decided to add this video into the vaccine and autism areas of my site