Although I am not a scientist, I do investigate a great deal of science and I read gobs of research studies. In the field of nutrition, such as it relates to vitamins, minerals, and diet in general, most of what the “experts” (Physicians and RD’s) have been taught and think they know, is wrong! It simply does not agree with either the best research, or more importantly the actual observed clinical data in the real world. I have been wondering for years, how true this may be in relation to climate change and global warming. I have now heard first hand, many well credentialed scientists, tell us how they were blacklisted, incorrectly discredited, and lost all their research funding, when they publish research that, although accurate and factual, went against mainstream or big business or the government and their seemingly limitless funds. This short 12 minute video, if it is correct, might get you to listen to or view lots of other presentations which contradict what we are being told. There must be some major financial incentive to try so hard to keep the public in the dark on so many varied topics of science and politics and health. I wonder if this is one of them
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After David died, with permission from David’s wife, Linda, Joan Grinzi will be uploading information to his website that she found in his office and on his computer that might be helpful to people. Periodically, she will send out emails notifying people of this new material.
David Getoff was a board certified clinical nutritionist & traditional Naturopath who worked with diabetes, Autism, memory, cancer, EI, MCS, MS, ALS, heart disease, mercury, neurological issues and specialized in safe detoxification.
For David, the benefits of optimal health were well worth the effort.